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November 25, 2004

Front Page Photo by Carl Thompson

'Wide Blue Yonder '
Front Page Photo by Carl Thompson



jpg Dick MorrisDick Morris: While we looked away, Czar Putin stole Ukraine - Would-be czar Vladimir Putin has taken a giant step toward reasserting the regional hegemony of the former Soviet Union by stealing the election in Ukraine right under our noses. - More...
Thursday - November 25, 2004


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November 2004
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mp3Ketchikan: Listen to this KRBD story... Anchorage-based Alaska Communications Systems is looking at making an offer to purchase the Ketchikan Public Utilities Telephone Division. As Deanna Garrison reports, ACS is seeking to gain access to the utility's financial information before making a possible offer.
KRBD - Ketchikan Public Radio - linked Thursday - November 25, 2004

Science: Could Abu Ghraib happen again? - When news broke about the abuse of prisoners at Abu Ghraib in Iraq, many people questioned: Who could do such a thing? According to Princeton psychologists who reviewed decades worth of studies, the answer is: Anyone.

Writing in the Nov. 26 issue of Science, professor Susan Fiske and graduate students Lasana Harris and Amy Cuddy contend that many forms of behavior, including acts of great evil, are influenced as much by authority figures, peer pressure and other social interactions as by the psychology of the individual.

"Could any average 18-year-old have tortured these prisoners?" said Fiske. "I would have to answer, 'Yes, just about anyone could have -- unfortunately.'" - More...
Thursday - November 25, 2004

Technology: The phone that knows you better than you do by Celeste Biever - If you thought predictive texting was impressive, you ain't seen nothing yet. A cellphone is on the way that can predict what you are about to do. Some cellphones already come with a built-in calendar that warns you of events you have stored in its memory. The new cellphone is far smarter: it learns about the things you do from day to day, when you do them, who you do them with, and where. This will one day allow it to come up with all sorts of intelligent advice, its inventors say.

For instance, the phone might learn that whenever you phone at least three friends after 5 pm, you will leave the office within half an hour and meet them in a particular bar. If you have a big presentation at work the following day, the phone could be programmed to warn you not to drink too much.- More...
Thursday - November 25, 2004

June Allen Column Sponsors

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June Allen Column

photosKetchikan, Alaska - Let There Be Light! -- Citizens Light & Power and then KPU - At the Incorporation of the City of Ketchikan back in the summer of 1900, the little town on Tongass Narrows was powered largely by optimism and resolve. The Alaska Gold Rush of '98 had focused the eyes of the world on the nation's Last Frontier. The courageous and confident were among those who "rushed" north to participate not just in the search for gold but in the founding of a great new American territory. Ketchikan's pioneer founders moved quickly to develop such modern amenities as electric lights and indoor plumbing. - Read the rest of this story by June Allen....
Tuesday - November 16, 2004

arrow The State Capitol and Its Marble and keeping the capital in Juneau

arrow A Legendary Mountain of Jade; Just one of Alaska's Arctic Wonders

arrow John Koel, Baker to Banker; An eccentric philanthropist

arrow Harold Gillam: A Tragic Final Flight; Ketchikan remembers the search

arrow Ketchikan's 'Fish House Tessie'; She was proud of the nickname

arrow Fairbanks: Golden Heart City; A story of its founding

arrow Remembering 'Swede' Risland (1915-1991);The town's most memorable logger

arrow Read more feature stories by June Allen...

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