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November 24, 2015

Klawock Mountains
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Ketchikan: Visiting and Revisiting Ketchikan; Two writers record their impressions of the First City, 16 years apart By DAVE KIFFER - Long before “The Bridge to Nowhere” caught the national eye, Ketchikan had already curried favor with one of America’s most famous television journalists. In fact, Charles Kuralt was so enamored with Ketchikan, he gave it a whole chapter in his 1995 best-selling book “Charles Kuralt’s America.”

Charles Kuralt in CBS News' "On The Road" van.
Hugh Morton Collection of Photographs and Films
Courtesy University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Wilson Library, North Carolina Collection
Kuralt was very well known for his “On the Road” segments, which aired on the CBS Evening News from 1967 to 1994. When he retired in 1994, he published “America” which featured his 12 favorite places in America and Ketchikan – which he had visited several times - made the list.
One of his most ardent fans was a woman from Alabama named Inda Lou Schell. She decided to retrace Kuralt’s steps. Her journey began in 2011 and resulted in her 2014 book “Revisiting America.”
Kuralt structured his book by visiting each of the 12 places a differen month of the year. For Ketchikan, he chose June. And the Ketchikan chapter opens in a familiar way.
“It was raining in Ketchikan. This is like saying it was in hilly in San Francisco or crowded in Tokyo or romantic in Paris. It is always raining in Ketchikan.”
He went on to note that June is traditionally the driest month in Ketchikan and it rained the entire time he was in the First City.
Naturally, he waxed nostalgically about the rainforest, about Creek Street (“Part of the town’s charm is that it doesn’t seem quite respectable yet.”) about the fact you have to land your jet on a different island.
At least one fact was not correct. Kuralt talked about the old days when you taxied your float plane up to the Front Street, deplaned, and walked across the street to the Ingersoll and the Gilmore. As far as can be ascertained, float planes almost never landed at the “downtown” docks, they landed in Newtown or Thomas Basin.
The timber industry was still significant when Kuralt visited in 1995. He noted that when he was in Ketchikan, the Borough Assembly voted to log 500 acres of its land in Whipple Creek, which would add $7 million to its coffers. Money that would be used to build a rec center, Kuralt wrote.
“When the local government needs money, it sometimes goes out and cuts down some trees… Financially strapped places like New York City can wish they also had a few strands of Douglas fir (sic) to tide them over.”
He wrote about the tourists flooding the city during the morning and early afternoon and then rushing back to their ships loaded down with “T-shirts, post cards, gold nuggets, Haida carvings and oosiks.”
He wanders down to the docks and goes on about the tidal range, comparing Ketchikan’s “22 feet” to Key West’s “six inches.” He then exaggerates just a bit by noting that during significant storms “Ketchikan catches a thirty or forty footer.” - More...
Tuesday AM - November 24, 2015 |
Alaska: AGDC Board Accepts President's Resignation; Approves TransCanada Acquisition - At a special meeting held Saturday, November 21st, the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation (AGDC) board of director's accepted the conveyance of TransCanada's interests in the Alaska LNG export project and authorized a payment of $64.6 million to TransCanada for those interests. The board also accepted the resignation of AGDC President Dan Fauske who tendered his resignation prior to the start of Saturday morning's meeting.
AGDC already holds the State of Alaska's equity interest in the Alaska LNG project's liquefaction facility planned for Nikiski on the Kenai Peninsula. With Saturday's action, the corporation will assume TransCanada's interest in the project's 800-mile pipeline and North Slope gas treatment plant giving the state a 25% interest in the entire integrated LNG project. Saturday's approval was expected following the board's November 12th decision to postpone the payment to TransCanada until after the Department of Natural Resources had executed a Purchase and Sale Agreement. The state's transaction is now expected to close on November 24th. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 24, 2015
Alaska: Senate Majority Anticipates 'Yes' Vote Natural Gas Pipeline's Future; Some Lawmakers Critical of Governor's AGDC Moves Two Weeks From Crucial Vote - Alaska State Senators remain optimistic but vigilant following the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation's (AGDC) vote Saturday to approve the payment of funds to TransCanada.
"The Alaska Legislature overwhelmingly voted to make Alaska an equity partner in The Alaska LNG Project – the largest infrastructure project in North America," said Sen. Cathy Giessel (R-Anchorage), chair of the Senate Resources Committee. "The will of Alaska's Board of Directors is clear: they want a yes vote to approve the project's program and funding for next year. We trust the corporation will act in the best interest of our state on this project."
The AGDC board delayed action on directing staff to vote in the affirmative for the the 2016 work plan and budget.
"After speaking with the Governor [Friday] and seeing the actions of the AGDC board [Saturday] morning, I continue to have great concern with the leadership of the state's ownership of the AKLNG project," said Sen. Anna MacKinnon (R-Eagle River), co-chair of the Senate Finance Committee. "The legislature was very clear with our intent and expectations of the Governor and the managers of this project. We asked them to continue on the project timeline in an efficient and expedited manner. Delaying the work program and budget vote twice certainly raises red flags for me. Alaskans want this project and have wanted it for years. No one wants this project delayed even further."
Saturday's board meeting followed Friday's resignation of AGDC president Dan Fauske, as well as Gov. Bill Walker's announcement that he will be replacing AGDC chairman, John Burns. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 23, 2015
Alaska: Governor Appoints New AGDC Board Members - Governor Bill Walker announced Friday his new appointments to the Alaska Gasline Development Corporation Board of Directors. Luke Hopkins of Fairbanks will join the seven-member board, which oversees the agency’s efforts to build a natural gas pipeline and liquefaction plant in Alaska. Hopkins is the former mayor of the Fairbanks North Star Borough. He will fill the seat vacated by former AGDC Board Chairman John Burns.
“I am pleased to welcome Luke Hopkins to the AGDC Board of Directors. As the mayor of the Fairbanks Borough, Luke was instrumental in creating a new municipal gas utility for the Borough, and directing major funds to develop lower cost natural gas supply for Fairbanks residents,” said Governor Walker. “I also want to thank John Burns for his service to the AGDC board and the state. John is a talented attorney and I hope to utilize his skills in a different capacity of this project going forward.”
A resident of Fairbanks for nearly 50 years, Hopkins has an extensive background in local government and project development. He served on the Fairbanks North Star Borough Planning Commission for seven years, and was a Borough Assembly member for more than five years. In October 2015, Mr. Hopkins completed two terms as the Borough mayor, where he was actively involved in keeping military troops at Eielson Air Force Base and bringing major economic growth to the Fairbanks region. Mr. Hopkins has been involved in a wide variety of local and statewide boards and commissions, including the State of Alaska Municipal Advisory Gas Project Review Board, the Association of Defense Communities, the Alaska Municipal League, and the Alaska Gasline Port Authority. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 24, 2015
Alaska: Murkowski Fights Back Against FDA’s Approval of GE Salmon - U.S. Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) announced Monday the next steps she is taking to fight back against the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) recent approval of genetically engineered (GE) fish for human consumption. Senator Murkowski has long been adamantly opposed to the approval of GE salmon, introducing legislation and inserting a provision in the appropriations process to require compulsory labeling of Frankenfish if ever approved for sale to consumers. Murkowski plans to push back against the FDA’s decision by advancing her efforts for mandatory labelling and blocking confirmation in the Senate of the nominee to be FDA Commissioner.

Senator Murkowski spoke on the Senate floor Nov. 20th against genetically engineered after the FDA’s decision was made public.
“I will not stand back and just watch these genetically engineered creatures be placed in our kitchens and on our tables without a fight. I am furious about this decision, but now I must do everything I can to make sure it is labeled—consumers have a right to know what it is they are eating,” said Senator Murkowski. “Genetically modifying salmon is messing with nature’s perfect brain food. The real thing is not only the safe choice, but it’s the best thing.”
Senator Murkowski next steps of action include: - More...
Tuesday AM
Alaska: Alaska Delegation Files Supreme Court Amicus Brief in Support of John Sturgeon Case - The three members of Alaska’s congressional delegation on Monday filed an amicus curiae brief with the U.S. Supreme Court in support of Alaskan John Sturgeon, who is suing the National Park Service over being forced off the Nation River for using a hovercraft to hunt moose, something that he had been doing for decades. The National Park Service claimed it controlled that stretch of the Nation River because it is part of the Yukon-Charley Rivers National Preserve. The State of Alaska claims it is theirs to regulate under the Statehood Act. After the U.S. Court of Appeals for the 9th Circuit sided with the Park Service in Sturgeon v. Masica, giving the Park Service expansive rights over state and native land, Sturgeon sought review by the United States Supreme Court. The Supreme Court announced in October that it will hear the case. Oral arguments will take place in January 2016.
At issue in the case is who, under the Alaska National Interest Lands Conservation Act of 1980 (ANILCA), controls state and Native property located within the outer boundaries of ANILCA Conservation System Units. As the brief indicates, Alaska’s congressional delegation submits that only the State of Alaska and Alaska Native Corporations, and not the federal government, are empowered to make land use decisions on these non-federal lands. A section of ANILCA was carefully written with Alaska sovereignty in mind and clearly prohibits federal control over such lands and waters. The section, 103 (c), states that no lands owned by “the State, Native Corporation, or private party shall be subject to the regulations applicable solely to public lands within” national parks and preserves. The amicus curiae brief was prepared by Jonathan Katchen and Kyle Parker of Crowell & Moring, Anchorage, Alaska on a pro bono basis for the Alaska congressional delegation. - More....
Tuesday AM - November 24, 2015
Columns - Commentary
RON PAUL: Who Should Pay For the Syrian Refugees? - Last week Congress dealt a blow to President Obama's plan to resettle 10,000 Syrians fleeing their war-torn homeland. On a vote of 289-137, including 47 Democrats, the House voted to require the FBI to closely vet any applicant from Syria and to guarantee that none of them pose a threat to the US. Effectively this will shut down the program.
The House legislation was brought to the Floor after last week's attacks in Paris that left more than 120 people dead, and for which ISIS claimed responsibility. With the year-long U.S. bombing campaign against ISIS in Syria and Iraq, there is a good deal of concern that among those 10,000 to be settled here there might be some who wish to do us harm. Even though it looks as though the Paris attackers were all EU citizens, polling in the U.S. shows record opposition to allowing Syrian refugees entry.
I agree that we must be very careful about who is permitted to enter the United States, but I object to the president's plan for a very different reason. I think it is a sign of Washington's moral and intellectual bankruptcy that U.S. citizens are being forced to pay for those fleeing Washington's foreign policy.
For the past ten years the U.S. government has been planning and executing a regime change operation against the Syrian government. It is this policy that has produced the chaos in Syria, including the rise of ISIS and al-Qaeda in the country. After a decade of U.S. destabilization efforts, we are now told that Syria is totally destabilized and we therefore must take in thousands of Syrians fleeing the destabilization that Washington caused. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 24, 2015
CHRISTINE FLOWERS: Both Sides Half Right on Refugees - I rarely write about immigration, partly because I spend enough time practicing immigration law, and partly because my conservative friends raise their eyebrows whenever I champion any form of legalization.
I believe conservatives are wrong on immigration reform, right on everything else, and if I could nudge them into line when it comes to the aliens, we could rule the world. Unfortunately, no one knows what to do with a conservative who believes that fixing our system is a good thing.
Speaking of that system, it's knocking at our Golden Door with increased intensity thanks to people stampeding across the Middle East fleeing imminent death. Some made it to Europe, and were welcomed with varying degrees of hospitality. Some of them perished on shipwrecked boats or from heat exhaustion or hunger. And still they came, because the choice between Syria's Assad and the Islamic State madmen was no choice at all. Death, if it had to come, was preferable to life in those conditions.
Technically, they are all refugees, persons displaced from their homelands because of war and persecution. We could argue that not every Syrian fleeing his homeland has a legitimate fear based on one of the 1951 Refugee Convention's enumerated grounds, but it's hard to look at the tidal wave of suffering rushing across borders and not think that "refugee" fits. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 24, 2015

Editorial Cartoon: Syrian Refugees
By Nate Beeler ©2015, The Columbus Dispatch
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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Patient Experience Improvement Efforts By Ken Tonjes - Thank you Mr. Plamondon for taking time to let me know your thoughts on how we can improve our organization and facility, both through your SitNews letter and through the surveys you completed. Patient feedback is essential to ensure the continuation of high-quality health care in our community. I'm sorry the patient experience survey process has been frustrating for you. Your comments provide me an opportunity to clarify the survey's purpose and let our community know what we're doing to help address your frustrations. - More...
Friday PM - November 20, 2015
Directions for Syrian Refugees By Ed Talik - Just wanted to share my thoughts on the current state of global affairs. - More...
Friday PM - November 20, 2015
Freedom of Religion, Our First Amendment Right By Norbert Chaudhary - There are many talking of banning Syrian refugees because they are Moslem... Am a bit shocked at another Fox fueled state of hysteria that so many are buying into. What part of "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof" are our elected leaders forgetting? I truly believed after the Ebola thing and countless other episodes of phony fear based lies - the American people would have learned the difference between Facts and Fox. - More...
Friday PM - November 20, 2015
Investing in Your Community By Nina Kemppel - In Dillingham, a single nonprofit provides help for domestic violence and sexual assault victims from 33 villages and tribes across the Bristol Bay region. By September, Safe and Fear-Free Environment (SAFE), had already served 607 women, men and children and was in need of financial support. The Alaska Community Foundation awarded a $10,000 grant to SAFE so they could provide meals for shelter clients and assist clients outside of the shelter cover food and other essentials. - More...
Friday PM - November 20, 2015
Community Connections By Judith Green - I would like to say a THANK YOU to Community Connections - an organization that is local through and through. Tonight was their staff appreciation dinner held at the Ted Ferry Center for staff and their families. It was a wonderful outpouring of what makes Community Connections the very special program it is. - More...
Friday PM - November 20,2015
KGBSD Budget Restraint By Agnes Moran - The Ketchikan Daily News editorial of November 13, 2015, took note of the fiscal difficulties facing the State of Alaska and the federal government. It cautioned the City and Borough governments to reach balanced and sustainable budgets. The editorial pleads, "We should take this opportunity to ensure that we can live within our municipal means next year and in the foreseeable future." The Ketchikan Gateway Borough School District (KGBSD) must heed that excellent advice also. - More...
Monday AM - November 16, 2015
Great ER in Ketchikan By Walt Hoefer - I lived in Ketchikan for 33 years. I have 3 kids and several grand kids living there. I had the chance to experience an eight hour stay in your ER back in June. - More...
Monday AM - November 16, 2015
Cost of Obama's visit By Margaret Cloud - It was recently stated in a letter published on November 11 that the cost of Obama's visit to Alaska was $600 million dollars. That number is very wrong. The cost was just under $600,000 and was for Anchorage police overtime and other expenses. - More...
Monday AM - November 16, 2015
2D Bar Code & Privacy By John Suter - In regards to the 2D bar code on the back of the Alaska State driver’s license, the State of Alaska adding this 2D bar code is opening the door for Alaska State residents to be victimized. Many people have iPhones and you can go to the Apple Store to down load an App to scan the 2D bar code. Once someone uses this App to scan the 2D bar code, everything from birthdate, weight, hair color, address etc. is now stored into this person's iPhone. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 11, 2015
RE: Pesticides in our state By Jan Trojan - Excellent letter by the Wyatts! I raised the same issue here in Craig. I still have not received a letter back from the Governor. I do feel comforted that SEALASKA said not on SEALASKA Lands. I have also written both of our senators about the HB 1599 and not received a response from either if they would vote against. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 11, 2015
MARY POPPINS By Laura Plenert - Thank you First City Players, the magnificent cast and the behind the scenes folks of this weekend's production of 'Mary Poppins'. It was delightful from beginning to end. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 11, 2015
Open Letter To: Chief Admin. Officer and Chief Financial Officer PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center By Clement Plamondon - Dear Mr. Tonjes, You recently mailed me yet another survey & form letter (two actually) requesting my time to help you improve your organization & facility. In the past I have completed & returned these forms. I now realize that, not only are such surveys Not in any way improving the services you offer, they are detrimental in that they waste time, money & resources generating reams of unread reports, tons of wasted paper & terabits of less than useless data to be correlated & analyzed. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 11, 2015
The bees all died in sprayed areas By Rudy McGillvray - So starts my latest rant, and it goes like this. If we as a community allow our town , Borough, and state to spray all the wild bushes in our beautiful state we will have NO BEES. Most likely because the sprays contains nicotinic acid or a similar type that kills bees. In fact, if one bee comes into contact with nicotine, goes back to the hive, one bee can poison the whole hive, and kill it out of existence; which is why this is not my first letter to Sitnews about Bees, and why they aren't around anymore. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 11, 2015
RE: Permanent Fund By Norma Lankerd - Like I stated, it was my opinion (and) I'm sure the Alaskan Government probably used part of the dividend to pay for the president's visit to Alaska, where else would they get the ¢600 million to pay for the president to be in Alaska for 4 days and 3 nights? I know Alaska doesn't have that kind of $$ to squander. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 11, 2015
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