Deadline for all political letters of support: Sunday, November 6th.
Please Vote for Bob Sivertsen By Dick Coose - I am voting for Bob Sivertsen for Alaska House District 36. I have known and worked with Bob for several years, while he was supervisor at the city solid waste facility, as a fellow member of the city council, and as the SEAPA board chairperson. Bob has always been knowledgeable, prepared, willing to listen and work with all involved. He offered solutions to difficult problems. Bob helped us make good decisions that were always in the best interest of Ketchikan and communities affected. Bob is involved with many organizations in the community, I remember him effectively coaching my grandson playing baseball, and Bob has worked with many youth groups. - More...
Saturday AM - November 05, 2016

Unlock Our Lands By Jennifer Fielder - Don’t we all we want healthy air, water and wildlife, abundant outdoor recreation, and safe, vibrant communities? Wouldn’t it be good to manage our public lands with these priorities at the forefront of every decision? - More...
Saturday AM - November 05, 2016
Bob Sivertsen for Alaska House By Tiffany Cook - As we all know, our state is facing some of its most difficult fiscal conditions in its history. The next few years will require important conversations about what is important to our state and what our priorities are, followed by significant and difficult decisions. Now, more than ever, it is important for Ketchikan and the entire Southeast region to have a seat at the table when those conversations take place. Being a member of the majority isn’t about political party, it’s about having that seat at the table. - More...
Saturday AM - November 05, 2016
RE: Vote Trump by Al Johnson By Mike Harpold - I'm really surprised Al Johnson is going to vote for Trump, Al. I don t know of anyone who is more unlike you or shares fewer of your values. He has no idea how the common man earns his livelihood and doesn t care: he lies, stiffs the people who work for him; stiffs small businesses who contract with him; repeatedly uses bankruptcy to build his personal wealth; pays no income taxes and brags about it; staffs his casinos with foreign workers because that s what businessmen do. - More...
Saturday AM - November 05, 2016
Thank You to KTN and KGB By Judith Green - Another great opportunity for live performance show-casting all local talent and skills and abilities and ages and cultures in The Little Mermaid. We are so privileged to live in a community where local people cooperate and build together. One could hardly put together a list of individuals, businesses, non profits, organizations - it would just go on too many pages. So suffice it for now to say THANK YOU to all who make this community a great place to live, from birth through our senior years. I'm so glad we do not stop providing for ourselves after high school graduation. - More...
Saturday AM - November 05, 2016
Re-elect Dan Ortiz By Mike Harpold - State politics is not the same as local, it is partisan. And like it or not, the legislature is also exempt from the Open Meetings Act, so most important decisions are made behind closed doors. Glen Thompson, Sitnews 11-2-16 - More....
Saturday AM - November 05, 2016
Vote Bob Sivertsen for Alaska House By Glen Thompson - Once again Ketchikan has two fine individuals seeking to represent us in Juneau. After their recent debate, it is clear they agree on many issues but there’s a major difference. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 02, 2016
Dan Ortiz for Alaska House By Peter Stanton - About 40% of Americans do not identify as either Republicans or Democrats. In Alaska, where we pride ourselves on our independence, a full 58% of us are not registered to either party. That's one of the highest rates of political independence of any state in the country. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 02, 2016
Sivertsen for House District 36 By Larissa Sivertsen - I am supporting Bob Sivertsen, for House District 36, because of who he is, not because of the party he is affiliated with or any political names or tags that might be applied. I have watched Bob's involvement and dedication to our community; he does not take his responsibilities lightly. Bob puts in endless hours with his obligations, yet takes opportunities to help others without sacrificing the important time with his family. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 02, 2016
Response to Trevor Shaw By Dan Ortiz - After teaching and coaching in the Ketchikan public school system for 32 years, I was astounded to read a public letter by our school board president and local Republican Party Chairman, Trevor Shaw, claiming I don't support education. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 02, 2016
Dan Ortiz By Peter Bolling - When I look at a candidate's qualifications I no longer consider whether he or she is an R or a D. I am much more interested in I, H, W.E. and S. With respect to Dan Ortiz he meets all of the important criteria: Integrity, Honor, Work Ethic, and Smarts. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 02, 2016
Worst Candidate Ever By Donald Moskowitz - I have voted for Democrats and Republicans for President of the U.S. in every election since 1960, but this year I cannot vote for Donald Trump. He has to be the most unqualified and worst candidate for President we have ever put forth in this country. He lacks knowledge of domestic and world affairs and matters of national security. I am ashamed of the Republican Party for giving us Donald Trump as a Presidential candidate when any one of the other Republican candidate;'/[s in the primary could have beaten Hillary Clinton. - More...
Wednesday PM - November 02, 2016
Matters of Trust By David Beebe - On December 12th 2005, the Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority, accompanied by a principal of Alcan Forest Products declared in the council chambers of Petersburg, their Best Interest Decision to log several miles of the steep, landslide-prone mountain slopes above Mitkof Highway. - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
Ortiz Loyal to Outside Special Interests; Republican Bob Sivertsen committed to the citizens of District 36 By Trevor A. Shaw - Incumbent State Representative Dan Ortiz has been working hard to recruit outside special interest groups and individuals to support his vulnerable re-election campaign. So far, Rep. Ortiz has raised $34,206.00 from these outside special interest groups and individuals; a whopping 59% of his total campaign funds. These special interests include: big-labor organizations, Anchorage lawyers and union bosses, the Democratic Party, and liberal politicians. - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
Response to Peggy Wilson's 'Factual Fair' By Dan Ortiz - In response to the 'Factual Fair' op-ed published int he Ketchikan Daily News and the Wrangell Sentinel by former Representative Peggy Wilson, I would like to address the real facts. - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
Vote Dan Ortiz By Anne Lucas - I've known Dan Ortiz for over 30 years - as a colleague and friend; as a loving husband to Lori; as a caring and involved father to their three children; and as an exemplary high school teacher and coach. During my long teaching career in Ketchikan, I've witnessed his skill at negotiating through compromise. His integrity and willingness to listen to all sides of an issue are attributes that are much needed in our state legislature today. - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
Vote for Trump By Joe O'Hara - The important question in the upcoming Presidential election is not who is the least disliked candidate but which candidate offers the best plan to strengthen America? - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
Dan Ortiz: The Candidate for Southeast Alaska By Emma Scott - In the midst of this presidential election cycle, the nation has witnessed how partisan politics can fail the needs of its citizens. Personal attacks have become the norm, the issues facing our country are rarely discussed in depth, and it feels that we have come to focus on what divides us rather than what can bring us together. - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
Vote for Dan Ortiz By Mike Cruise - I recently read that over 50% of Alaska voters are NOT registered with a political party. They are either “non-affiliated or undeclared”. It seems that almost 40% of registered voters nationwide are of the same mind. - More...
Monday PM - October 31, 2016
David G Hanger - Six billion barrels of new oil reserves have been discovered off the coast of Alaska according to a recent and conveniently timed announcement from the oil industry, all of it paid for with your Permanent Fund Dividend and the massive increases in taxes and user fees all of us are about to experience. The costs of extracting that oil are currently scheduled to be paid for exclusively with your dimes, by giveaway credits to the oil companies sponsored by “Oil Company” Walker and the insanely corrupt bought and paid for Republican majority in the state legislature. - More...
Thursday PM - October 27, 2016
Vote Trump By A.M. Johnson - Have you noticed? There are no Trump/Pence signs among the many displays of Murkowski, Young, Stedman, Sivertsen settings along the highway and byways of Ketchikan. - More...
Thursday PM - October 27, 2016
Donald Trump By Hallie Engel - I recently read a letter on Sitnews comparing Donald Trump to a rowboat that will save America. Personally, I'd say he's more like the Titanic -- a giant behemoth racing toward certain doom, threatening to take everyone down with him in an epic disaster. - More...
Thursday PM - October 27, 2016
The People's Representative: Dan Ortiz By Evan Wick - I have known Representative Ortiz for twelve years. He is a dedicated teacher, coach, mentor and state representative. - More...
Thursday PM - October 27, 2016
Stop the Negative Campaigning By Kyle Johansen - Like many of you I’ve been disturbed by the influx of negative advertising in the race for House District 36. - More...
Wednesday AM - October 26, 2016
Watersheds By Rep. Dan Ortiz - The Stikine, Taku and Unuk watersheds are a major factor in the reliability of our seafood and tourism industries. Our fisheries, mariculture, and tourism industries rely on healthy watersheds, which replenish these resources and maintain our scenic reputation and seafood quality. If these rivers are not maintained for quality, our resources will diminish, as vital nutrients and safety conditions will lapse. - More...
Wednesday AM - October 26, 2016
Alaska’s Write-In Candidate for Congress By Stephen Wright - My name is Stephen Wright, and I was born in Anchorage, AK on Elmendorf AFB in 1969. I was only five years old when Don Young became Alaska’s 4th Congressman after campaigning twice. I would love to be the 5th Alaska Congressman to represent this great state. - More...
Wednesday AM - October 26, 2016
RE: PAC's Negative Campaigning By Jan Jorgensen - I would like to thank Bob Sivertsen for stating "I don't support and do not agree with the negative ads" sent out by The Accountability Project(TAP) regarding Dan Ortiz. - More...
Wednesday AM - October 26, 2016
Negative PAC Mailer By Bob Sivertsen - I would like to correct the statement that the mailer was from one candidate to the other. I, Bob Sivertsen, did not and would not produce such a mailer. It was not sent from my campaign and I don't support it. - More...
Monday PM - October 24, 2016
Response to Sivertsen By Dan Ortiz - In a recent letter to the editor, my opponent, Bob Sivertsen, wanted to 'clear the air' about negative advertising. He stated that he has non connection to PACs or any control over what an outside PAC may do. In fact, Bob does have the ability to denounce their misleading and negative attacks, but he has chosen not to do this. His argument for keeping silent is 'this is politics as usual' and uses the current presidential campaign as an example. I would hope that Southeast Alaska can set the bar higher than this year's presidential race! - More...
Monday PM - October 24, 2016
Why I Support Dan Ortiz By Eric Muench - I support Dan Ortiz as District 36 representative for three good reasons. First and foremost, he has been doing a good job representing local interests. He responds to local needs and to his constituents, and is reported to have good relations with other legislators of both parties. As an Independent, he is not bound to the bigwigs of either party and can make the best choices for his district. We need more independent politicians. - More...
Monday PM
- October 24, 2016
Clinton calls Trump a "sore loser" By Jim Dornblaser - I think this the most dirty, mud slinging campaign I can remember in my 75 years. I wish our media in general was as interested in facts as they are: 1) name calling, 2) mud slinging and, 3) trying to get so much press from a loaded question (the reason for 'sore loser'). - More...
Monday PM
- October 24, 2016
PACs' Negative Campaigning By Bob Sivertsen - I have read and heard a number of concerning comments regarding the negative advertising that is being used in this race for State House. I don’t personally believe in negative campaigning and I do not engage in negative campaigning. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
Donald Trump By Betty Constuble - I would like to proclaim my full support of Donald Trump. I believe he is the warrior president this country needs now. He will stand up for us. He will make the decisions that our country so much must have. The current politicians have put us in the mess we are in. We need someone who will stand up and get us out of this and make America great again. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
Very Little Style over Even Less Substance By Rod Landis - Dan Ortiz's opponent in the State House race this fall missed an opportunity to distance himself from the miserable (yet laughable) antics of those involved with the Accountability Project. This big-money political action committee is behind a series of smear ads that have recently flooded Ketchikan residents mail and P.O. boxes. Some significant cash seems to have been spent designing, producing, and distributing these ads, yet the result cannot be taken seriously. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
Vote Stedman & Finkenbinder By Gary Paxton - Bert Stedman, not unlike Dick Eliason and Ben Grussendorf for Sitka, has been a statesman for our great state. He has always put the state, SE Regoin, and Ketchikan ahead of any political concerns. At this time, when our state has such complex and difficult decisions to make, Bert is exactly the kind of legislator we need and he needs all the help he can get. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
What I learned from the Democrats By A. M. Johnson - I first wish to thank you and your publication for using Reuters and FOX news as your online National/ World news source over the Associated Press (AP). In part your publication, in conjunction with reliable online sources, presents news and opinions based on the more reliable news stories allowing me to express what the Democrats have taught me about politics and life particularly in this election: - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
House District 36 By Jan Jorgensen - I am not someone who is outspoken about anything political, in fact lately I have been less than eager to read, talk or listen to what politicians have to say but I do because I will be voting on November 8th. Recently I received a flyer where one Ketchikan candidate chose to speak negatively about another candidate. No where on this flyer did he tell me anything about himself, just two sides of negative words about someone else. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
Thank You By Susan Coady - Thank you to the many people and businesses for supporting my friend Wendy Goyette and her son Johnathon Washburn. It's truly amazing how the people of this community come together in times of need. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
Re: Two Untrustworthy Candidates By Joe O'Hara - In reference to Mr. Moskowitz' October 18th letter, I certainly agree with him that one must verify those facts before committing to them. - More...
Sunday PM - October 23, 2016
Dan Ortiz and The Accountability Project By Paul Seaton - I am the District 31 State House Representative for the lower Kenai Peninsula and have served in the legislature for 14 years. This year I was targeted by The Accountability Project(TAP) in the Republican Primary election with distortion ads and robocalls. Although 'independent expenditure groups' are legal - they are definitely not accountable. In fact, one of their chief donors wrote me an apology and sent a campaign contribution because the industry supported distortions were so unaccountable. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 19, 2016
No to Sivertsen By Douglas Thompson - If I got it wrong I would sure like to hear Bob Sivertsen tell me how he is going to protect the Permanent Fund Dividend. In his previous Sitnews announcement he stated that he wanted to join the Republicans in Juneau. The Republicans are headed by Governor Walker. They want to take our PFD and have already grabbed half of this year's. The plan as it stands is to take it all and give it to the oil companies. In short to pay them back every cent they have paid in taxes since the sixties and then some. You will get to pay taxes to make this happen. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 19, 2016
Disappointed - again By A. M. Johnson - With the continued barrage of Wikileaks data flooding the landscape via creditable blog sites it is becoming obvious why Establishment Republicans are struggling with Donald Trump's candidacy. Were he elected, then the Establishment members, who in my opinion include our own Senator Murkowski, personal friend with Senator Mitch McConnell, leader of the Establishment, and others will find their political terf at risk of exposures as the quite majority address RINO voting. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 19, 2016
I support Dan Ortiz By Janice Jackson - I support Dan Ortiz in his bid for re-election as our legislative representative for District 36. Representative Ortiz has demonstrated to me his willingness to meet with and listen to our concerns on important issues in our state. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 19, 2016
RE: THANK YOU By Judith Green - Kolby Elliot's THANK YOU note deserves in return a thank you. is a great place for the positive happenings in, on and about our Island Community and you have added a bright spot. - More...
Wednesday PM - October 19, 2016
Thank you, Ketchikan! By Michelle O'Brien - Once again, Ketchikan never ceases to amaze as a vibrant and welcoming community. The recent Open World Program delegation from Russia was greeted with open arms; from informative visits with local organizations, to a generosity that is unique to cemented the fact that Ketchikan is far and away a community unlike others. - More...
Tuesday AM - October 18, 2016
Bob Sivertson for State House By Tuckerman Babcock - The Alaska Republican Party stands in support of the positive change offered by Bob Sivertson for State House.- More...
Tuesday AM - October 18, 2016
Vote Dan Ortiz By Susan Bachant - I am writing to share my reasons why I support Dan Ortiz. Throughout the years there have been many people representing us in various political avenues. Only one has ever asked me how I wanted him to represent my voice and that is Dan Ortiz. I have seen him go from door to door, talked with him in the mall, and even filled out an online survey from him wanting to know what I and all of the other folks that he represents think on a particular subject. I find this absolutely refreshing. Ask yourself, how any of our representatives actually do this? How many want to know what the people they represent want? Usually they get in there and pitch their own personal agendas. - More...
Tuesday AM - October 18, 2016
Two Untrustworthy Candidates By Donald Moskowitz - We know that many politicians make promises they cannot keep and they typically use manipulative and ambiguous language to hide their true ideas and feelings. They hope the public will forget their false statements. - More...
Tuesday AM - October 18, 2016
Response to Political Attack Ads By Rep. Dan Ortiz - It has come to my attention in recent days that groups from outside our district and outside Alaska have started to send out negative ads against me. Judging from where this effort is coming from, I take it in stride. - More...
Sunday PM - October 16, 2016
Thank You By Kolby Elliot - On behalf of my teammates and myself, I would like to thank my family, coaches, community, and peers for all of their support contributing to a successful Schoenbar Middle School Cross Country season. Please publish this thank you as a token of gratitude to all those who participated. - More...
Sunday PM - October 16, 2016
School Board Replacement Pre-selected? By Carl Webb - I am embarrassed that we voters have failed to ask why School Board President Michelle O’Brien, who announced a long time ago that she would resign from the Board, chose to do it one week after the official election. She even announced the date. Because of that decision, the voters of Ketchikan were denied the right to select the new board member and the current Board will be making the choice. - More...
Sunday PM - October 16, 2016
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