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November 20, 2016

Tongass Sunrise
Front Page Feature Photo By STEPHEN SPEIGHTS ©2016
Southeast Alaska: Alaska Mental Health Trustees Postpone Timber Sale Reconsideration Until Jan. 2017 - The Alaska Mental Health Trustees voted Thursday to reconsider the proposed timber sales as a new matter at their next board meeting on January 25-26, 2017.

Alaska Mental Health Trust Parcels Proposed for Exchange - Ketchikan Area
Map Creation 09/19/16
Map courtesy Alaska Mental Health Trust Land Office
“After taking into account the feedback we received at the community meetings, the comments shared at the Trustees meeting, and recent updates from Washington, I recommended the Trustees take more time to carefully consider the new information. They voted unanimously to revisit the matter at the end of January. They listened to the communities and are open to any alternative that best meets the interests of the Trust,” said John Morrison, Executive Director of the Trust Land Office (TLO).
The meeting included two hours for public comment. Participants from across the state focused their comments on the beneficiaries, recent leadership changes and expressed concerns about the proposed timber sales close to communities near Petersburg, Ketchikan and Saxman. Trustees voted to postpone the decision for various reasons, including:
- a chance to address suggestions raised at community meetings, including a willingness to consider viable alternatives such as the sale of parcels themselves, carbon credits and easements,
- the outcome of the national election increases the odds of the land exchange legislation passing,
- an acknowledgement of the breadth of public comment from residents of potentially impacted communities.
For nearly a decade, the Trust Land Office has been working to exchange 17,341 acres of Trust lands adjacent to the communities of Ketchikan, Wrangell, Petersburg, Sitka and Juneau that would be transferred to the United States Forest Service in exchange for 20,580 acres of remote land on Prince of Wales Island and Shelter Cove to be transferred from the USFS to the Trust for development and timber harvest.
Numerous meetings have been conducted by the Trust Land Office with individuals, agencies, communities, environmental organizations and the USFS to identify and select the parcels.
The Alaska Mental Health Trust and US Forest Service Land Exchange has been pursued since 2005. An Agreement to Initiate (ATI), for the exchange, was signed in June of 2015
The Trust Land Office says the land exchange is the most responsible way to fulfill the mission of the Trust, while avoiding the potential adverse impacts on tourism, recreation, wildlife management and watershed protection in areas near Ketchikan, Petersburg and Saxman.. Protecting what remains of the timber industry in Southeast Alaska by providing more timber lands that could be managed on a sustainable yield basis is another benefit of the exchange. - More...
Sunday PM - November 20, 2016 |
Fish Factor: Jobs Await for Next Generation of Fishery & Ocean Specialists By LAINE WELCH - Alaska’s university system is ramping up programs to train the next generations of fishery and ocean specialists - and plenty of jobs await.
Since 1987, the College of Fisheries and Ocean Science (CFOS) at the University of Alaska Fairbanks has offered undergraduate and graduate degrees in Fisheries Science, complete with paid internships to help prepare them for positions in the state’s largest industry.
“It’s a degree path preparing students for what I call fish squeezers – they’re going to go to work for the Alaska Dept. of Fish and Game, or NOAA, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service or some other type of agency where they’re going to be primarily out doing field work, traditional fish biologist types,” said Trent Sutton, a Professor of Fisheries Biology and Associate Dean of Academics.
Due to student interest, the college broadened the fisheries degree this fall to include ocean sciences, and opened more oceanography and marine biology classes to undergraduate students. The new degree combo program attracted 53 students, Sutton said.
The college also is a center for ocean acidification studies, which is a big student draw.
“You hear all the concerns regarding climate change and marine mammals and fisheries and sea ice – all of those garner interest from students because there are job opportunities down the road to deal with these issues,” Sutton explained.
The CFOS also is the only school in the nation to offer a bachelor of arts degree in fisheries for students interested in seafood sciences and technology, and marine policy. Another focus of the B.A. track is in rural and community development where students can get the degree at home.
“A student in Bethel or Dillingham can stay home and take 100 percent of their courses either through video conferences or online or by some other distance delivery technology. They can get a degree that is tied to fisheries and it will help them have a good career and become leaders in their communities,” Sutton said.
Starting next fall, CFOS plans to offer the degree programs in partnership with the University at Southeast Alaska (UAS), and eventually to the Anchorage campus and other regions.
A shorter career track for fisheries technologists also is offered through UAS/Sitka to train students for jobs as fishery observers, surveyors, culturists and hatchery technicians. Fish tech certification and associates degree courses are offered remotely, with classes fully loaded onto iPads and no internet is required. There is a dire shortage of fish techs in Alaska and that trend is expected to continue for at least a decade, according to university data.
In fact, good careers await fisheries and ocean science grads in Alaska, as state agencies are steadily losing workers to retirement – 20 percent from ADF&G alone over the next few years, and a similar amount from federal fisheries agencies.
Of the nearly 700 graduates the College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences has produced over 30 years, nearly half have gone on to careers at ADF&G and NOAA Fisheries, Sutton said.
“These students are not only staying in the state,” he said, “but they are working for the agencies that are making the management and policy decisions that impact our fisheries and marine resources.” - More...
Sunday PM - November 20, 2016
Alaska: Arctic removed from offshore leasing program for the next five years - Friday, the Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) announced it will remove the Arctic from the offshore leasing program for the next five years, 2017-2022.
Considering the fragile and unique Arctic ecosystem and the recent demonstrated decline in industry interest, the Proposed Final Program does not include any lease sales in the Chukchi or Beaufort Seas. Based on consideration of the best available science and significant public input, the Department’s analysis identified significant risks to sensitive marine resources and communities from potential new leasing in the Arctic. Moreover, due to the high costs associated with exploration and development in the Arctic and the foreseeable low projected oil prices environment, demonstrated industry interest in new leasing currently is low.
Governor Bill Walker said in a prepared statement that he is very disappointed with the U.S. Department of the Interior’s announcement Friday. Walker said, "Alaska supports a plan that balances subsistence concerns with our need for economic development. There is enough opportunity and protection in the plan that it should have been an easy decision to move forward with our proposal. The State nominated the Beaufort and Chukchi Seas to ensure Alaskans’ interests were protected in this process. The nominations provided subsistence protection, as well as the benefits under the Outer Continental Shelf Lands Act (OCSLA). With the trans-Alaska pipeline three-quarters empty, we must spur more oil production."
Walker said, " When Alaska became a state, the federal government mandated that we live off of our resources - but we must be able to access them. My administration will reconvene with the whaling communities and industry to determine next steps.”
The Proposed Final Program does includes one sale in the northern portion of the Cook Inlet Planning Area. Cook Inlet is a mature basin with a long history of oil and gas development in state waters, where existing infrastructure could support new activity. The design of this program area balances the protection of endangered species by taking into account the beluga whale and the northern sea otter critical habitat, with the availability for leasing of areas with the greatest industry interest and existence of oil and gas resources.
“The Arctic Ocean contains vital ecological areas that are critical for the survival of many birds and wildlife species,” said Nils Warnock, Executive Director for Audubon Alaska. “This prudent Five-Year Program prevents new leasing in this crucial habitat at a time of unprecedented ecological change in the Arctic.” - More...
Sunday PM - November 20, 2016

Technician Tamsen Peeples and University of Alaska Southeast undergraduate Eric Fagerstrom check on a longline outplanting of Saccharina kelp at an experimental site near Coghlan Island [Coghlan Island is an island located in Stephens Passage, 1.2 miles south of Fairhaven and 11 miles northwest of the city of Juneau]
Photo by Mike Stekoll
Southeast Alaska: Professor studies seaweed aquaculture By CAROL KAYNOR - A new $418,000 grant from the National Sea Grant College Program will support research aimed at helping seaweed growers in Alaska be more successful.
The grant, administered by Alaska Sea Grant, will fund a two-year study by Michael Stekoll, a University of Alaska Southeast professor with a joint appointment at the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences.
This research project will address questions about cultivating seaweed at higher latitudes — such as when seaweed plants become fertile, whether the timing of transferring plants to the ocean can be controlled and the optimal conditions for doing so, the best time to harvest, “cold banking” of seed and feasibility of selecting for specific traits - with the goal of helping growers become successful in this emerging industry.
Seaweed aquaculture presents a new economic opportunity for coastal Alaska. Cultivated seaweeds drive a $6.6 billion industry worldwide, and the global commercial seaweed market is growing rapidly. Commercial shellfish farmers have grown oysters, clams and mussels in Alaska for years. Now seaweed has the potential to play a role in the future of the state’s aquaculture industry. Several commercial seaweed farms have recently been permitted in Alaska, and shellfish farmers have expressed a strong interest in adding seaweed cultivation to their operations, spurred by the increasing popularity of seaweed products.
Stekoll has experimented with growing seaweed in Alaska for the last 25 years. While several Alaska seaweed species have commercial potential, his current project will focus primarily on sugar kelp. Sugar kelp may have the best chance of becoming commercially viable because it is fast-growing, grows best in the winter and has a pleasing taste, according to a commercial distributor. Stekoll’s research is expected to contribute to cultivation conditions and methods that will allow producers to grow and harvest commercial quantities of this crop and eventually other species. The state of Alaska prohibits import of any seaweeds, so seaweed farmed or grown for research in Alaska’s oceans must come from local stock. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game places extensive conditions on the mariculture of seaweeds to protect existing natural populations. - More...
Sunday PM - November 20, 2016
Columns - Commentary
DAVE KIFFER: To Stud or Not To Stud - In life there are a lot of choices.
Paper or plastic?
Boxers or briefs?
To be or not to be?
But one that has always seemed obvious to me just got called in question.
Studs or no studs?
It's that time of year when many Alaskans think nothing of swapping out ye old summer tires for ye old winter ones.
Yeah, I realize that in the 21st Century they have these things called "all weather tires."
That's a good one. Really. All weather??? All weather if you live in Southern California where all "all weather" is 80 degrees and sunny.
Except of course if you are a Ketchikandian who brings his bio-clime with him. Did I ever tell you how I moved to SoCal for college and singlehandedly ended a 15-year drought? True story. It was raining so hard that caskets were floating down the streets.
Except of course if you are a Ketchikandian who brings his bio-clime with him. Did I ever tell you how I moved to SoCal for college and singlehandedly ended a 15-year drought? True story. It was raining so hard that caskets were floating down the streets.
But I digress.
We don't cotton much to "all weather" tires in these here parts because they don't work so well in our rain and snow and ice and slush and sleet and......all weather.
You see, you actually need some traction if you want to drive safely around Ketchikan in inclement weather. Which in Ketchikan is a redundant phrase. All weather is inclement.
Anyhow, the other day, I was tooling around town with a spanky new set of studded snow tires and an acquaintance dissed me.
"Those are bad for the roads, you know." - More...
Sunday PM - November 20, 2016

Editorial Cartoon: Fake News
By Nate Beeler ©2016, The Columbus Dispatch
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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My impressions... By Rodney Dial - It's been a month since I was elected to the Borough Assembly. I thought I would give an update on what I have learned and my impression of your local government. - More...
Thursday PM - November 17, 2016
AMHT Open to Federal Buyout - But Questions Linger By Rebecca Knight - The Alaska Mental Health Trust develops resources it owns to fund its operations. Controversy is churning this year in Southeast Alaska over AMHT’s threat to immediately log forestland it owns within communities unless, by mid-January, Congress passes a bill exchanging those lands for 21,000 acres of the Tongass National Forest. The threatened logging in the communities would ruin cherished viewsheds and, because the slopes are steep, jeopardize residences and domestic and municipal waters supplies. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
A Commitment to Prevention By Susan Johnson - One of the greatest, under-appreciated, benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which remains the law of the land until amended, repealed, or replaced, is access to preventive care services. According to the CDC, potentially preventable chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, cancer, diabetes) are responsible for millions of premature deaths each year among Americans. Because health problems impact productivity, they are a major drain on the economy, resulting in 69 million workers reporting missed days due to illness each year. This loss of productivity reduces economic output by $260 billion annually. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15. 2016
Protests By Rob Holston - I'm just finishing up a great vacation in Kauai and viewing nightly "Not My President" protests in the streets of major cities. I don't recall that similar protests by Republicans broke out when President Obama became President Elect. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
Democratic Party Wrecked By David G. Hanger - Hillary Clinton, just disappear, I never want to hear your name again. You are the biggest loser in the history of this country, and your vanity and incompetence have just sent the whole kit-and-kaboodle over the cliff. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
No Position For LT. GEN. Flynn (Ret.) By Donald Moskowitz - We have to support Donald Trump so he can hopefully perform well as President. He won the election, and a large segment of the U.S. population has spoken. I agree with many of the policies he wants to implement, and I believe he will stop the nasty rhetoric that he used in the primaries and the general election. I am convinced his rhetoric was contrived to draw attention to himself and away from other candidates. Every time he said something controversial he received extensive and free media coverage and he was in the spotlight. He played the media very well. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
AN OPEN LETTER TO BENEFICIARIES OF THE ALASKA MENTAL HEALTH TRUST By Amy Simpson - Tens of thousands of Alaskans are beneficiaries of the Alaska Mental Health Trust. If you yourself are not a beneficiary, you almost certainly know someone who is. Every Alaskan who experiences an intellectual or developmental disability, mental illness, chronic alcoholism or other substance use disorder, traumatic brain injury, or Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia is a beneficiary of the Alaska Mental Health Trust.
The Alaska Mental Health Trust was established at statehood to ensure that the State of Alaska had the resources to provide services to Alaskans with mental and cognitive disabilities. The Alaska Mental Health Trust Authority is a public corporation that was created in 1992, as part of the settlement of a lawsuit brought by beneficiaries. It is responsible for ensuring that an integrated comprehensive mental health program is provided to beneficiaries. The Board of Trustees must preserve and protect the trust corpus (the principal). Trust income can be used to provide for the integrated comprehensive mental health program, as well as administrative expenses of the Mental Health Trust Authority. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Open Letter to deceitful Republicans: Until next time By Tuckerman Babcock - Dear Reps. Gabrielle LeDoux, Louise Stutes, and Paul Seaton, First, congratulations on your re-election. We are sorry you have chosen to part ways.
You won your elections running as Republicans in your respective Districts. That was an illusion, a false picture you presented to the voters of your districts.
Because of your recent actions abandoning your team and joining with the House Democrats, we invite you to drop the pretense that you are Republican and leave the Republican Party. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Thoughts on the Election By A. M. Johnson - The election has been held, the results are known. Best wishes to the successful candidate.
This District 36 House election for me personally has to have been the hardest to make a determination. That said as the goal of dealing the the state budget gap is so huge as to require a tremendous amount of personal sacrifice on the part of elected officials in a true dedicated effort to bring the deficient down over a reasonable amount of time. In my opinion, the thinking to success will require reviewing conditions know to exist during the depression of the 30 s to gain perspective. Perhaps conditions are not that sever, yet, they sure as heck are not very rosy. Will or would either Dan or Bob be able to deal with what will be required?
- More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Alaska remains solidly Republican By Tuckerman Babcock - Alaskans just won a more hopeful future for our state with President-elect Donald Trump. It means we won a stronger Supreme Court. It means we won with a more friendly Department of Interior. It means we have hope to unwind the disaster that is Obamacare.
Nationally, Republicans won the President, the US Senate and the US House. We even added three more Republican governors, bringing the total to 33. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Thanks Ketchikan By Brent Cunningham = Young Life Alaska would like to thank the community of Ketchikan for their wonderful support of the Young Life ministry. It was so wonderful to see so many folks in attendance at the recent Young Life Fundraising banquet.
Thank you also for welcoming Ashley Wardrop to the community of Ketchikan. Ashley is Young Life’s first ever full time staff person in Ketchikan. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Make Mental Health a Priority By Susan Johnson - Many of us ignore physical symptoms - an aching tooth, a shoulder which locks up, early signs of diabetes or high blood pressure. Maybe we’re afraid of the dentist, don’t want to face possible surgery, or don’t want to deal with medications and lifestyle changes.
We may also ignore signs of depression and other mental illnesses for a variety of reasons. We might feel mental illness is a sign of weakness, or fear that friends, family, or employers would judge us or discriminate against us. Already, too many Americans experience prejudice, discrimination, abuse, and victimization based on a mental health diagnosis. And for too long, Americans paid for health insurance that did not recognize that treatment for mental health and substance use disorders is as essential as other medical treatment. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
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