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November 25, 2016

Klawock Sunrise
Front Page Feature Photo By JACY PIERSON ©2016
Southeast Alaska: Trump’s grandfather took part in the Gold Rush; Entrepreneur had hotels in Bennett, Whitehorse By DAVE KIFFER - We know that Donald Trump’s grandfather was involved in the Klondike Gold Rush. But like many other stories from that time, some of the details are a little fuzzy.

Friedrich Trump, 1887
Photo courtesy wikipedia.org
It is clear that the fortune that would eventually help propel Frederick Trump’s grandson to the Presidency of the United States had its beginnings in the late 1890s when Trump, a German immigrant, moved to the Klondike, not to mine for gold, but – to use a term common in mining communities – to mine the miners.
Frederick Trump came to the United States as a 16-year-old in 1885 from the town of Kallstadt in the Rhineland-Palatinate area of Bavaria which is in the southwest part of what is now unified Germany
Although the Trump family says that Frederick Trump was seeking economic improvement, recent stories in the German magazine Bild have uncovered documentation indicating that the real reason may have been that Trump was kicked out of Germany for failing to undergo the required military service in Bavaria.
Later when Frederick Trump tried to return permanently to Germany in 1905, the government turned down his request and ordered him deported back to the United States, according to Bild.
1905 was also when Frederick’s son – Donald Trump’s father – Frederick Trump Jr. was born in New York. Frederick Trump Jr. would expand the family fortune through extensive real estate holdings in New York.
According to most historians, Frederick Trump Sr. spent six years in New York City working as a barber and living with his sister and brother-in-law. In 1891, he decided to head west to seek his fortune, eventually ending up in Seattle. He opened a restaurant in either the Skid Row or the Lava Bed sections of Seattle. Historians disagree on the location, although most believe it was on Washington Street.
That restaurant, which also doubled as a barber’s shop was called the Dairy Restaurant, according to an October, 2016 story by Jason Marcusoff in Canada’s Macleans magazine.
At some point, Trump purchased 40 acres of land in the Pine Lake Pines area east of Seattle. It was the first real estate deal for a family that would be known for its real estate holdings for generations to come.
The historical record soon finds Trump applying for a small mining claim in the mining boom town of Monte Cristo, some 50 miles northeast of Seattle. Monte Cristo was thought to be one of the greatest lead and silver deposits on the continent, but did not live up to projections. Meanwhile Trump made a foray into local politics and was reportedly elected Justice of the Peace by a 32-5 margin.
By 1896, most of the mining in Monte Cristo had stopped and, along with most of the other miners, Trump had returned to Seattle and opened another restaurant.
He was apparently still there when word reached Puget Sound of the Klondike gold strike near Dawson in the Yukon territory in the summer of 1897. - More...
Friday PM - November 25, 2016
Southeast Alaska: Canadians search for lost 'nuke' near Prince Rupert; Two ton 'dummy' bomb was dropped in 1950 By DAVE KIFFER - The Canadian Department of National Defence announced recently that it would like to find the remains of a long-lost relic of the Cold War in the waters off Banks Island, south of Prince Rupert.

Five-ton Mark IV atomic bomb
Photo courtesy wikipedia.org
In those waters are the pieces of a five-ton Mark IV atomic bomb that was dropped from an American bomber in 1950. The bomb was not armed with nuclear material, but Defence Department officials say this it still could be carrying unexploded ordnance and could pose a threat.
The Prince Rupert website, The Northern View, reported early in November that the Royal Canadian Mounted Police had received a report that a suspicious object was seen underwater in the area where the bomb was thought to have landed. That report is what is causing the Defence Department to send a coastal patrol ship to the area to look for the bomb remnants.
“The CAF (Canadian Armed Forces) treats reports of suspected unexploded ordnances very seriously and we continue to investigate this matter," National Defence media relations head Daniel Le Bouthillier told the Northern View on Nov. 4. "Information provided by the US Military indicates this was likely a B4 weapon with a dummy capsule carried by the B-36 aircraft that crashed in the vicinity of Prince Rupert on 13 Feb 1950.”
The bomb was dropped from the B-36 after multiple engines caught fire on a training mission between Alaska and Texas. After the bomb was dropped and exploded over the ocean, the 17 crew members parachuted out of the bomber, which then crashed in the mountains near New Hazelton. Twelve of the 17 crew members survived.
Banks Island is located 63 miles south of Prince Rupert, opposite Hecate Strait from Haida Gwaii. It is midway between Prince Rupert and Kitimat by water. Banks Island is approximately 40 miles long and has been the site of a controversial gold mine in recent years
On February 13, 1950, a routine training mission began at Eielson Air Force Base in Fairbanks.
According to a story about the bomb drop on the "Mysteries of Canada" website, a Convair B-36 bomber in the US 436th Strategic Air Command Squadron left Eielson at around 5:25 pm for a flight to its home base at Carswell Air Force base in Fort Worth, Texas. - More...
Friday PM - November 25, 2016
Fish Factor: Alaska seafood market updates and outlooks By LAINE WELCH - Alaska seafood goes to roughly 120 countries around the world and competes in a rough and tumble commodities market. Looking ahead to next year, sales conditions are looking positive for Alaska salmon, with some mixed market outlooks for other main species.
Alaska produces more than 65 percent of our nation’s wild caught seafood; seafood also is Alaska’s top export to other countries.
Here are some highlights from the Alaska Seafood Industry Updates prepared each fall by the McDowell Group for the Alaska Seafood Marketing Institute:
The value of Alaska seafood at the docks dropped seven percent from 2011 through 2015 to $4.3 billion.
Salmon was tops for dockside values for 2014 - 2015 at $541 million, 29 percent of the value of all Alaska seafood catches. Pollock ranked second for Alaska seafood value at $477 million, 26 percent of the total dockside value and 54 percent of the volume.
Alaska’s total salmon supply picture for 2016 is down 58 percent.
Global farmed salmon production won’t regain steam until 2019, and reports are circulating widely that the prized omega 3’s are down by half in farm grown fish due to their plant-based diets.
At Bristol Bay, the preliminary value to salmon fishermen increased 66 percent, due to a big sockeye catch and higher prices.
Alaska salmon prices continue to increase at wholesale and the fresh market is growing stronger, especially for sockeyes.
Markets for pollock, cod, flounders and other ‘whitefish’ are likely `to remain steady, but with low prices.
Prices for king and snow crab are expected to set records, but will face stiff competition from Russian imports to the U.S., up 58 percent and 38 percent last year, respectively, valued at over $220 million.
The halibut market is likely to remain flat, or may go down a bit after sustaining fishermen’s prices in the $6 to over $7 per pound range all season.
Global currency markets remain challenging for seafood trade, but have improved.
A concern cited by the report is budget cuts to the commercial fisheries budget which shift the onus to fishermen and processors to fund critical management projects through test fisheries.
Another is the ongoing U.S. food embargo by Russia, now entering its third year. For Alaska, the seafood shut-out adds up to a $60 million hit each year, primarily from lost sales of pink salmon roe and Alaska pollock products.
Almost 90 percent of the king crab eaten in the U.S. comes from Russia, according to market expert John Sackton, much of it caught illegally. The U.S. also buys thousands of tons of pollock, cod and salmon from Russia each year.
“If Russia won’t buy our seafood, we won’t buy theirs,” has been the way Alaska processors and crabbers hoped to hit back on the ban. They have been urging Congress and the President to enact a retaliatory ban on seafood coming into the U.S. from Russia, so far, to no avail. - More...
Friday PM - November 25, 2016 |
Columns - Commentary
JOHN L. MICEK: Make our (Costly) Infrastructure Great Again
- By his own admission, President-elect Donald Trump is a guy who likes to build stuff: A golf course in Scotland. A hotel in Washington D.C. A great, big beautiful wall on the American border with Mexico.
But when it comes to his most ambitious building project yet - a badly needed, $1 trillion upgrade of America's roads, bridges, railways and airports, the nation's incoming 45th chief executive is running into an challenge tougher than winning over even the crankiest of New York City code inspectors:
Finding a way to pay for it.
If there's one thing we know about Trump's agenda, it's that he wants to cut taxes - bigly - punching an estimated $7.2 trillion hole in government revenues over the next decade.
And if there's one more thing we know, it's that building and fixing roads and bridges isn't cheap.
In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, Trump's chief strategist, Stephen K. Bannon, suggested that the administration's proposed infrastructure plan could be paid for on the back of massive borrowing (Because, let's face it, that's something his boss knows more than a little about). - More...
Saturday AM - November 26, 2016
ARTHUR MARTIN: Purging of the 'Fake News' - Shortly after Trump became President-Elect the Elite Globalists panicked trying to figure out Why Trump won. Before long their answer became apparent: Too. Much. Media. Coverage. Trump not only received free press-coverage but he also completely by-passed the Main Stream Media whenever he wanted by spreading his message on Alternative Conservative news sites, as well as, social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter and Youtube.
In response to Trump’s effective use of social media, alternative news and free press coverage the elite globalists decided to purge and discredit these news sources by labeling them “Fake News” and banning any people who may have credibility on the Conservative Right.
More specifically Facebook and Google announced last week that they are setting up algorithms to get rid of “Fake News” (which of course are Conservative news) - More...
Saturday AM - November 26, 2016

Editorial Cartoon: Standing Rock
By Pat Bagley ©2016, Salt Lake Tribune
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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7 Ways to Give Back to Your Community This Thanksgiving By Mary Wong - Giving back to the community is always important, but this is especially true around Thanksgiving. While most people look forward to spending time with family and friends feasting on turkey and stuffing and watching the parades and football games, for others it’s a very different story. Many people are alone this time of year. Others are homeless. Some are sick. Sadly, not everyone has a place to go and people with whom they can spend the holiday. - More...
Wednesday AM - November 23, 2016
Seaweed aquaculture By Frances C. Natkong - Why are they now doing a study on our seaweed/kelp. Soon that will be all gone as well. Is nothing safe? Interrupting the sea life when sea life depends on kelp to live and us too. I'm not very happy with this! Not at all. - More...
Wednesday AM - November 23, 2016
Keep Public Lands in Public Hands! By Glenn Ferren - The Mormon Senator from Thompson Falls (Jennifer Fielder) works for the American Lands Council, Ken Ivory, and the LDS church. The ultimate goal of this group is to turn our public lands into prime real estate for wealthy individuals (Wilks brothers, ex), corporations in the real estate business (Weyerhaeuser, ex), and organizations looking to acquire hundreds of thousands of acres (LDS, ex). - More...
Wednesday AM - November 23, 2016
My impressions... By Rodney Dial - It's been a month since I was elected to the Borough Assembly. I thought I would give an update on what I have learned and my impression of your local government. - More...
Thursday PM - November 17, 2016
AMHT Open to Federal Buyout - But Questions Linger By Rebecca Knight - The Alaska Mental Health Trust develops resources it owns to fund its operations. Controversy is churning this year in Southeast Alaska over AMHT’s threat to immediately log forestland it owns within communities unless, by mid-January, Congress passes a bill exchanging those lands for 21,000 acres of the Tongass National Forest. The threatened logging in the communities would ruin cherished viewsheds and, because the slopes are steep, jeopardize residences and domestic and municipal waters supplies. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
A Commitment to Prevention By Susan Johnson - One of the greatest, under-appreciated, benefits of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), which remains the law of the land until amended, repealed, or replaced, is access to preventive care services. According to the CDC, potentially preventable chronic diseases (e.g., heart disease, cancer, diabetes) are responsible for millions of premature deaths each year among Americans. Because health problems impact productivity, they are a major drain on the economy, resulting in 69 million workers reporting missed days due to illness each year. This loss of productivity reduces economic output by $260 billion annually. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15. 2016
Protests By Rob Holston - I'm just finishing up a great vacation in Kauai and viewing nightly "Not My President" protests in the streets of major cities. I don't recall that similar protests by Republicans broke out when President Obama became President Elect. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
Democratic Party Wrecked By David G. Hanger - Hillary Clinton, just disappear, I never want to hear your name again. You are the biggest loser in the history of this country, and your vanity and incompetence have just sent the whole kit-and-kaboodle over the cliff. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
No Position For LT. GEN. Flynn (Ret.) By Donald Moskowitz - We have to support Donald Trump so he can hopefully perform well as President. He won the election, and a large segment of the U.S. population has spoken. I agree with many of the policies he wants to implement, and I believe he will stop the nasty rhetoric that he used in the primaries and the general election. I am convinced his rhetoric was contrived to draw attention to himself and away from other candidates. Every time he said something controversial he received extensive and free media coverage and he was in the spotlight. He played the media very well. - More...
Tuesday AM - November 15, 2016
AN OPEN LETTER TO BENEFICIARIES OF THE ALASKA MENTAL HEALTH TRUST By Amy Simpson - Tens of thousands of Alaskans are beneficiaries of the Alaska Mental Health Trust. If you yourself are not a beneficiary, you almost certainly know someone who is. Every Alaskan who experiences an intellectual or developmental disability, mental illness, chronic alcoholism or other substance use disorder, traumatic brain injury, or Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementia is a beneficiary of the Alaska Mental Health Trust. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Open Letter to deceitful Republicans: Until next time By Tuckerman Babcock - Dear Reps. Gabrielle LeDoux, Louise Stutes, and Paul Seaton, First, congratulations on your re-election. We are sorry you have chosen to part ways. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Thoughts on the Election By A. M. Johnson - The election has been held, the results are known. Best wishes to the successful candidate. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Alaska remains solidly Republican By Tuckerman Babcock - Alaskans just won a more hopeful future for our state with President-elect Donald Trump. It means we won a stronger Supreme Court. It means we won with a more friendly Department of Interior. It means we have hope to unwind the disaster that is Obamacare. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Thanks Ketchikan By Brent Cunningham = Young Life Alaska would like to thank the community of Ketchikan for their wonderful support of the Young Life ministry. It was so wonderful to see so many folks in attendance at the recent Young Life Fundraising banquet. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
Make Mental Health a Priority By Susan Johnson - Many of us ignore physical symptoms - an aching tooth, a shoulder which locks up, early signs of diabetes or high blood pressure. Maybe we’re afraid of the dentist, don’t want to face possible surgery, or don’t want to deal with medications and lifestyle changes. - More...
Thursday PM - November 10, 2016
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