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Ice Skating
Luke Murdock was photographed recently while
ice skating over on Gravina Island.
Front Page Feature Photo By MOLLY MURDOCK ©2016
Ketchikan: Delegation Announces Chere Klein to Serve Ketchikan Constituents - U.S. Senators Lisa Murkowski and Dan Sullivan today announced that Chere Klein has been hired as their Ketchikan Delegation Representative. Klein will serve constituents in Ketchikan and other communities in the Southern Southeast region by helping them with specific concerns and problems with federal agencies and offices. Klein replaces Penny Pederson, who served in that role for 2 years.

Chere Klein
Photo courtesy Chere Klein
Klein is a lifelong Alaskan, with deep ties to the communities of Ketchikan, Metlakatla, Wrangell, and throughout Prince of Wales, and as well as experience working across Southeast Alaska. Previously, she served as Primary Legislative Resources Aide and Constituent Liaison for Alaska Representative Peggy Wilson. Prior to her legislative experience, Klein worked as an office manager and licensed insurance agent at Diversified Investments & Insurance, of Ketchikan, and before that as a principal at Wetland Delineation & Design Services, LLC. Klein has also as a board member for the Ketchikan Community Foundation, Ketchikan Chamber of Commerce Transportation Committee, Ketchikan Charter School and Ketchikan Hospice Support Group, among many others. - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016
Southeast Alaska: Wolf Hunting and Trapping Seasons Closed in Unit 2 - The Thorne Bay and Craig Districts Ranger, Matt Anderson, under authority delegated by the Federal Subsistence Board, closed the Federal public lands of Unit 2 to the harvest of wolf from 11:59 p.m., Wednesday, December 21, 2016, through the remainder of the Federal seasons. The Alaska Department of Fish and Game (ADF&G) also closed the state wolf hunting and trapping seasons in Unit 2 at 11:59 p.m. on Wednesday, December 21, 2016, through the remainder of the State seasons.
As of Friday, December 16, 2016 ten wolves have been harvested in Unit 2. Trappers remain active and have 14 days to report harvest, so this closure is necessary to ensure the harvest does not exceed the combined Federal/State harvest quota set at 11 wolves. ADF&G and the USFS continue to refine population estimation techniques used to establish Guideline Harvest Levels for Unit 2 wolves. - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016
Southeast Alaska: Deer hunting season in Unit 2 extended - The Federal Subsistence Board recently extended the deer hunting season in Unit 2 through January 31, 2017 and required that harvest ticket number five be used for recording the harvest of a female deer.
The U.S. Forest Service (USFS) would like to inform hunters of the following items related to Federal subsistence deer hunting regulations in Unit 2: - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016 |
Alaska: AP&T President/CEO Bob Grimm to retire at the end of 2016; 44 Years – A Pretty Good Run - Had 1972 not been a bad fish year… things may have turned out differently.

Bob Grimm
Photo courtesy AP&T
But as it went, the fisheries industry loss, was the utility industries gain as an energetic and youthful Bob Grimm, and his new bride Elaine took on the challenge of working for family, (Elaine’s grandpa Arthur) and ultimately 12 years later, stepping into the role of President of Alaska Power & Telephone Company.
December 31st, 2016 will mark the end of era for a man who has been at the helm of AP&T six-times longer than what is typical for a CEO in today’s workplace. At the same time it marks the beginning of new era or leadership under the guiding hand of newly tapped CEO Michael Garrett. Garrett, a CPA, has been with the company 27 years and presently holds the position of VP/Chief Operating Officer of AP&T’s Telecom Division. He will officially step into the role of CEO at the beginning of 2017, which happens to mark the Company’s 60th Anniversary of operation.
When asked what he was going to do next, Grimm replied, “The old saying about life coming full-circle is probably more applicable in my case than many. The fish are calling, and I’m all ears..”
Distilling a 44 year legacy of leadership into a bite-sized segment sized to fit this quick-hit format understates the length and breadth of the impact, dedication and passion Bob Grimm brought to his role at AP&T each and every day. But the following snapshot provides a glimpse of the enormous growth and measureable success AP&T has experienced under his guidance. - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016
Southeast Alaska: City of Angoon is Closer to Having an Airport - Alaska Department of Transportation Commissioner Marc Luiken met with representatives of the U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, and Federal Aviation Administration at Ted Stevens Anchorage International Airport in September to tie a ribbon around the Final Environmental Impact Statements (FEIS) for Angoon Airport.

City of Angoon
Photo courtesy
Angoon Airport EIS
With the publication of the FEIS and the subsequent Record of Decision that was signed on October 21st, design will begin on the new airport to serve the City of Angoon which is the largest community in Alaska without a runway.
Efforts to build an airport in Angoon date to the late ‘70s, but the current project began with a new Reconnaissance Study that was completed in 2003, followed by a Master Plan, and the EIS that began in 2007. The process that culminated in the FEIS required substantial efforts to coordinate and negotiate with federal resource and permitting agencies concerning a process – ANILCA Title XI – treading a path that none had been down before.
The Alaska Department of Transportation covered a lot of uncharted territory, sharing a significant learning experience with the federal agencies. The collaboration that resulted in the acceptance of the ANILCA application as a complete document and provided a preliminary analysis will be a useful study for future efforts and a valuable result of the process.
DOT&PF is now able to move forward with building an airport for Angoon, a long desired transportation improvement for the community. The DOT&PF requested both funding and approval for the proposed airport from the FAA.
The FAA Alaskan Regional Administrator signed the Record of Decision on October 21, 2016 making a decision to approve Airport 12a with Access 12a. Right of Way acquisition, design, and airport construction will be led by the Alaska Department of Transportation & Public Facilities. The Airport Alternative 3a location was the Department of Transportation and Public Facilities' proposed location. - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016 |
Columns - Commentary
CHRISTINE FLOWERS: America Turns Away as the World Ends in Aleppo - A Muslim student at NYU says some Trump supporters pulled off her hijab and yelled epithets at her on a bus, then admits it was all a big fat lie. It's disgusting and unacceptable.
But Muslim women in Aleppo are being raped.
Feminists are freaking out because Texas passed a law requiring clinics and hospitals to respectfully bury the remains of babies who have been aborted. It's disgusting and unsurprising from abortion-rights militants.
But babies are being massacred in Aleppo. - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016
SUSAN STAMPER BROWN: Michelle Obama's 'Hopelessnes' Shows it Sucks to be a Liberal - "Hope is the thing with feathers that perches in the soul, and sings the tune without the words and never stops at all." ---- Emily Dickinson
It's a shame that Michelle Obama says she's feeling hopeless this Christmas, especially after all the wonderful opportunities she's had as America's first lady. It goes to show you that liberalism is like a disease that won't be satisfied until it devours all of you. Undoubtedly, all the designer gown-wearing, Hollywood hobnobbing, $100-per-serving wagyu steak indulging and taxpayer-funded globetrotting won't fix the hopelessness which ails her. It's hard to be hope-filled when you tangle yourself in a web of bitterness and resentment over America's past.
Just last year, Mrs. Obama shared how she really feels during a racially-divisive commencement speech at Tuskegee University that would have made its founder, Booker T. Washington, grieve. In fact, in his book, "My Larger Education," Washington warned readers about people like her, calling them "problem profiteers." - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 2016
TOM PURCELL: If the Mainstream Media Covered Jesus' Birth - Network news anchor Brent Fullworth: We bring you a live update on the birth of Jesus Christ from our correspondent, Bethany Smug, who is standing by in Bethlehem. Bethany?
Bethany: Brent, what we know is that a carpenter named Joseph and his alleged virgin wife, Mary, traveled from Nazareth to Bethlehem to pay a tax that had been decreed by Caesar Augustus. It's rumored the two were delinquent, but finally consented to pay.
Brent: A couple of tea-party types, Bethany?
Bethany: That's the rumor, Brent. When they arrived, they couldn't find a room at the inn ---- even though Mary was with child ---- because of the heartless cuts Republicans made to housing vouchers.
Brent: By electing conservatives, don't these tea partiers understand they are voting against their own interests, Bethany? One other thing puzzles me: You said Mary was with child? How can that be if she is a virgin?
Bethany: An alleged virgin, Brent. Members of the religious right are making the ludicrous claim that the child is a result of some kind of miracle. - More...
Thursday PM - December 22, 201 |

Editorial Cartoon: Wheel of Excuses
By Nate Beeler ©2016, The Columbus Dispatch
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
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Shrinking Budgets and the Drug Epidemic Create the Perfect Storm… Not SB 91 By Alaska Attorney General Jahna Lindemuth - Change is hard but it can also provide opportunities. Last spring, an opportunity presented itself when our legislature and Governor Walker enacted Senate Bill 91, broadly reforming our criminal justice system. Before this happened, the legislature asked the Alaska Criminal Justice Commission to study our system and recommend changes. The Commission did this and came up with recommendations based on evidence of what worked in other states. This became the foundation for SB 91. The Commission – including Department of Public Safety Commissioner Monegan, Department of Corrections Commissioner Williams, and me as head of the Department of Law, all agree that SB 91 is the right path for our State. But it will improve public safety in the long run only if the State sees the reform efforts through. Tweaks will be needed to the new law, and the Commission will monitor implementation and recommend changes where needed. - More...
Sunday AM - December 11, 2016
Autopsy of Clinton's Loss By Donald Moskowitz - I am perturbed that Hillary Clinton and her campaign staff are blaming FBI Director James Comey for Clinton’s election defeat. Director Comey sent out a letter to Congress 11 days prior to the election reopening the investigation into Clinton’s emails. Two days prior to the election he stated there was nothing incriminating in the emails, and he was closing out the investigation. They claim he adversely impacted her momentum a week before the election, which is probably true. However, Director Comey should not be scapegoated for Clinton’s loss, because there are many reasons she lost the election. - More...
Sunday AM - December 11, 2016
RE: Making an Enrollment List and Checking It Twice By Laura Plenert - Just checking - this kind of 'information' should also be provided to be able to vote in an elections, right???? - More...
Sunday AM - December 11, 2016
Making an Enrollment List and Checking It Twice By Susan Johnson - Applications usually require supporting information and documents. Job applications, school applications, car insurance applications, scholarship applications, loan applications, and of course health insurance applications, require you to have certain information available to complete the process. While no one likes completing applications, it tends to go much more smoothly if you’re prepared. - More...
Thursday AM - December 08, 2016
How to Put Building Permits on a Fast Track By U.S. Senator Dan Sullivan - President-elect Donald Trump has made investing in U.S. infrastructure a priority. This country urgently needs to build and repair roads, bridges, airports, pipelines and rail lines. But a huge roadblock is the federal permitting system. Even with a more business-friendly administration, a trillion-dollar infrastructure plan won’t accomplish much unless Congress reforms the way public-works projects are approved. - More...
Tuesday AM - December 06, 2016
Giving Thanks By Nina Kemppel - As we approach the season for giving thanks and the time when we reflect on how grateful we are for the blessings in our daily lives, I want to acknowledge all of the individuals, community members, organizations, and visionaries whose generosity and service has made Alaska a place we are proud to call home. Despite the challenges our state has undergone this year, I find that we at The Alaska Community Foundation (ACF) are in a fortunate vantage point to see how Alaskans have come together to weather the storm and have supported their communities now more than ever. At ACF, we witness your generosity every single day. - More...
Tuesday AM - December 06, 2016
KCCB in the Plaza Mall By Judith Green - QUESTION: What is a great way to utilize the open space in the Plaza Mall during the month of December? YES, filled with Chrismas music from the Ketchikan Community Concert Band. Many of us were thrilled to hear the sounds of music coming from that space Saturday. The KCCB gave us heart warming sounds as we went about visiting the local artisans and their creative, hand made items. - More...
Tuesday AM - December 06, 2016
Public Lands By Joe Ashcraft - It is interesting that the letter from Fielder is in a Ketchikan on line forum, soliciting for state control of federally administered lands in a different state. Maybe it had to do with corporations in Alaska wanting to trade for lands with uncut timber; lands now belonging to others. - More...
Tuesday AM - December 06, 2016
KCC's Historic Christmas program By Judith Green - Ketchikan Community Chorus has put together a program that is fun, interesting, informative, and professional. There is the musical director and conductor and the chorus, of course: all local people who gather together to practice together because (?) they enjoy music. Once again we are not disappointed in the wonderful program they present for the community to enjoy. - More...
Tuesday AM - December 06, 2016
RE: President Elect must Divest By Laura Plenert - Just wondering - does this include Presidents that come into office with literally nothing and walk away millionaires??? - More
Tuesday AM - December 06, 2016
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