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December 07, 2017

Chief Johnson Pole
A replica of a pole raised in 1901 by Tlingit Chief Johnson in honor of the Kadjuk House of the Raven Clan, was raised Wednesday after several months of restoration work. The work began in September 2017 (click here) with Tommy Joseph contracted to do the cleaning and repairs. Joseph, a Totem Heritage Center instructor originally from Ketchikan, has over 20 years of experience with totem pole restoration. The pole was raised and rededicated in a ceremony on December 06th.
Front Page Feature Photo By SUSAN HOYT ©2017
Southeast Alaska: Senate Passes Tribal Employment and Training Legislation; Empowers Tribes and Tribal Organizations to Offer Innovative Workforce Development Initiatives Across Alaska - The Senate’s unanimous passage of H.R. 228, the Indian Employment, Training and Related Services Consolidation Act of 2017, was a huge victory for Central Council of Tlingit and Haida Indian Tribes of Alaska (Tlingit & Haida) and other tribes across the nation. The new law was introduced by Congressman Don Young (R-AK) and passed in the House earlier this year and will not only improve, but make permanent the Native employment and training programs after more than 20 years operating as a demonstration project.
Commonly known as the "477 Program", it is unique in that it allows federally-recognized tribes and Alaska Native entities to combine formula-funded federal grant funds into a single plan with a single budget and a single reporting system. The legislation allows for implementation of plans for the purpose of economic development, job training, welfare-to-work and tribal work experience, higher education, skill development, facilitation of employment, assisting Indian youth and adults to succeed in the workforce, and encouraging self-sufficiency.
The legislation authorizes the Secretary of the Department of Interior to cooperate with the Attorney General, Secretary of Agriculture, Secretary of Commerce, Secretary of Education, Secretary of Energy, Secretary of Health and Human Services, Secretary of Homeland Security, Secretary of Housing and Urban Development, Secretary of Labor, Secretary of Transportation, and Secretary of Veterans Affairs on coordination of federally-funded employment, training, and related services programs.
Tlingit & Haida was the first tribe in the nation to enter into a Public Law (P.L.) 102-477 Compact with the United States and stated in a press release they have successfully administered the innovative workforce development demonstration program for over two decades.
“This historic passage occurred after eight years of tribal advocacy,” said President Richard Peterson. “There were many tribal leaders who worked hard to make this achievement a reality over the last several years including Tlingit & Haida’s former Chief Operating Officer Corrine Garza. I want to also recognize in particular the staff of Senator Murkowski, Senator Tester, Senator Udall and Congressman Young, and the law firm Sonosky, Chambers, Sachse, Endreson & Perry, LLP.”
Among other amendments made, the new law will provide the ability of tribes to integrate federal resources received for employment and training purposes under a single plan and budget. The original law previously applied to only three federal agencies (Department of Interior, Department of Labor, and Department of Health & Human Services) and will soon include the Justice Department and the Departments of Agriculture, Commerce, Education, Energy, Homeland Security, Housing & Urban Development, Transportation, and Veterans Affairs.
Other significant changes included in the new law authorizes tribes to recover 100% of indirect costs, expressly repealing caps on indirect costs that would otherwise apply to funds consolidated under a plan and clarifies the plan approval process and timelines, the roles of various federal agencies involved, the transfer of funds mechanism, and the reporting and audit requirements.
“The passage of this bill affirms the sovereignty and wisdom of tribes to serve their citizens in a way that ensures the highest likelihood of long-term success,” said 477 Division Director William Martin. “The passage makes permanent a system that has proven to be very effective in guiding our low income individuals and families to independence and self-sufficiency. The goal of Tlingit & Haida’s 477 Division is to create a single, coordinated system of collaborative services by pooling funding sources together to provide employment, training and other supportive services for the maximum benefit to our tribal citizens. The 477 program is one of the best tools we have available to our tribal citizens. The passage of this bill allows us to negotiate grants and contracts across all departments, efficiently consolidate them into a single plan, program and budget, and invest more program dollars directly into support services.”
“The 477 Program has proven to be an innovative and effective tool in providing education and training opportunities aimed to improve the quality of life in every region of Alaska. I am proud the Senate has recognized the importance of this program to support self-sufficiency, create jobs, and expand employment opportunities for American Indians and Alaska Natives nationwide,” Senator Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) said. “I am so pleased Congress has once again recognized the importance of this program and I look forward to it being signed by the President. I am also thrilled that this will be the first Native American bill passed this Congress.” - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017

The Overnight Warming Center is located at the Ketchikan Methodist Church.
Photo courtesy First United Methodist Church |
Ketchikan: Overnight Warming Center Receives Funding Assistance from Ketchikan Medical Center- Every night about sixteen people sleep in a warm, safe, dry place instead of on the street. So far, over sixty people in our community have found shelter in the Overnight Warming Center (OWC) since it opened October 1st of this year.
The Overnight Warming Center located at the First United Methodist Church in Ketchikan provides shelter to some of the most vulnerable in our community. Before it opened many would sleep outside in the elements on the sidewalks, benches or in buildings open 24 hours a day such as the PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center's Emergency Department (ED).
The Overnight Warming Center's startup was funded by an $80,000 grant from the City of Ketchikan with the expectation that other organizations would step up.
And this week PeaceHealth Ketchikan Medical Center announced they will step up to help and will pay $27,000 for rent and utilities for the Overnight Warming Center (OWC) for the next three years and $1000 for rent and $500 for utilities per month for the six months of the OWC's wintertime operation.
“It’s the right thing to do,” said Chief Administrative Officer Ed Freysinger, “it provides a safety net for our most vulnerable population and fits into our mission by treating each person in a loving and caring way.”
The Overnight Warming Center provides an additional component to the day shelter provided by First City Homeless Services (FCHS) in that location. Evelyn Erbele is a pastor at the church, she also chairs FCHS, “the Overnight Warming Center is an extension of the missions of First City Homeless Services and Peace Health to relieve pain and suffering and treat each person in a loving and caring way.
“People who would otherwise be on the streets or going to the ED [Emergency Department] at night because it is warm now have a safe place to go. The OWC is a partnership of caring between PeaceHealth, FCHS, and the City of Ketchikan. We at FCHS are grateful for the trust that the City and PeaceHealth have vested in us.” - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017 |
Southeast Alaska: Coast Guard suspends search for 2 missing near Juneau - The Coast Guard suspended the search Wednesday evening for the two men missing after their 10-foot skiff capsized in the Gastineau Channel near Juneau on Tuesday. The missing men were identified as 50-year-old James Cole and 48-year-old Sheridan “Scott” Stringer. Five people were aboard the vessel when it capsized.
Coast Guard Air Station Sitka helicopter crews, Coast Guard Cutter John McCormick smallboat crews, Coast Guard Station Juneau smallboat crews and multiple local agencies searched 58 square miles in the Gastineau Channel for more than 20 hours to locate the two men.
“Our thoughts and prayers go out to the family and friends of the two men during this challenging time,” said Capt. Phil Thorne, Sector Juneau commander. “It’s a very difficult decision to suspend a search and we always make these decisions with care and consideration.” - More...
Thursdsay PM - December 07, 2017
Southeast Alaska: Lawsuit filed against BLM to protect the Chilkat - SEACC Staff Scientist Guy Archibald, announced Monday that the Juneau-based Southeast Alaska Conservation Council (SEACC), along with an Alaska Native Tribal Government and two other conservation groups, filed a lawsuit against the Bureau of Land Management (BLM). The suit challenges BLM’s failure to consider the cumulative impact of future mine development at Constantine Metals’ Palmer Project when reviewing exploration applications. The Palmer Project encompasses ongoing exploration activities in the Chilkat Watershed, directly upstream of Haines and Klukwan, Alaska.
The Chilkat River, “Jilkaat Heeni” in the Tlingit language, meaning “salmon storehouse”, runs from its headwaters in the Coast Mountains of British Columbia, Canada, into the sea near Haines. All five species of Pacific salmon, along with anadromous eulachon and trout, thrive in these rivers and have provided the Chilkat Tlingit people with sustenance for thousands of years. The river remains a cultural and economic mainstay for the region today wrote Archibald in an email to SitNews.
Archibald wrote, "This is a uniquely beautiful region with steep, rocky mountains towering over the wild Chilkat River. It abounds in wildlife including moose, black and brown bears, and bald eagles. The unique geology of the river means that it stays ice-free longer than other water bodies. Thousands of bald eagles descend on the valley each year to feast on the exposed salmon, an event not seen anywhere else in the world."
"Constantine Metals, a Canadian company, is exploring for copper, zinc, gold, and silver in the mountains above the river. Should they find sufficient reserves of these elements, the next step would be to plan for full-scale mine development. Located in a massive sulfide ore body, the mine would be acid-generating, threatening the downstream communities and wildlife that rely on the clean water, food, livelihoods, cultural traditions, and habitat provided by the Chilkat River," wrote Archibald.
The BLM is responsible for the oversight of the project but has failed in that role wrote Archibald. Under the United States’ bedrock environmental laws, the BLM must consider the cumulative impacts of its incremental decision making in advancing this mining project wrote Archibald. Quoting the email, "Despite this requirement, they have already issued two decisions permitting exploration of the area without considering the connected and cumulative impacts from future mine development and its potentially disastrous consequences on the watershed. Exploration is the first step in developing a new mine." - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017 |
Alaska: Report identifies ways to rejuvenate Alaska’s commercial fishing fleet By PAULA DOBBYN - A new report on Alaska’s aging fishing fleet and loss of access to commercial fisheries in rural communities recommends five steps to reverse these troubling trends.

A woman sets her net in Egegik, Alaska
Photo courtesy of Alaska Marine Conservation Council |
The report, called “Turning the Tide,” is based on a global review of access to commercial fisheries. It is the work of a research team at the University of Alaska Fairbanks College of Fisheries and Ocean Sciences, Alaska Sea Grant and Alaska Marine Conservation Council.
The report details the ongoing loss of fishing permits and quota from Alaska’s coastal communities and the rising age of quota and permit holders. It notes that Alaska’s rural fishing communities have shed nearly 2,500 locally held commercial fishing permits since 1975 when Alaska began limiting entry. That’s a loss of over 30 percent of permits originally held by local residents.
Prior to limited entry, anyone could fish commercially by getting a gear license and paying a nominal fee to the state. With limited entry, people who want to start fishing must purchase rights, or be gifted or inherit them, from private individuals.
Of the permits remaining in rural Alaska today, an increasingly older population holds them, a trend known as the “graying of the fleet.” In 1975, fishermen age 40 and under held about half of all rural local permits. By 2016, that figure had nearly been cut in half. The typical fisherman working today is over 50 years old, a decade older than a generation ago.
Both trends threaten the viability of commercial fishing as an economic and cultural mainstay in Alaska, the study concludes.
The report lists the following recommendations: - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017
BLAIR BESS: Pearl Harbor Deserves More Than Just a Day - With every passing year, Pearl Harbor Day leaves us with a stark reminder that the number of WWII veterans is dwindling rapidly. The epic struggle against forces of undisputed evil, fought by the fathers and grandfathers, mothers and grandmothers of so many of us, may soon be relegated to the annals of American history, yet no military conflict since the Civil War has had a more dramatic impact on who we are as a nation.
In the wake of the Great Depression, and in the years leading up to December 7th, 1941, cauldrons were bubbling throughout the world, ready to spill over with the least provocation. Globally today, we find common denominators.
Vladimir Putin is the 21st Century's answer to Josef Stalin. In Asia, a handful of countries are attempting to solidify their economic and military dominance over the Pacific Rim. Europe is reckoning with nationalist fervor, fascism, and neo-Nazism. And at a time when the world appears to need us most, America is stepping back from the preeminent position it has held since 1945.
In this century, seeds of oppression are being sown. An ideological schism is widening here at home. Separateness, anger, isolation, and - for some - belief in racial and ethnic supremacy, is a constant in the lives of the morally depleted and socially disenfranchised.
None of this is new to the American Experience. Social unrest, economic hardship, and the threat of foreign influence posed a threat prior to WWII. Racial inequality and injustice were prevalent throughout the U.S. The KKK was resurgent and a homegrown Nazi movement emerged in the guise of the German-American Bund.
Then came Pearl Harbor. Suddenly, Americans started behaving like Americans, one nation united - for many of us, under God. Indivisible. A country where liberty and justice for all meant something. It would be misleading to suggest that everything in the homeland was sunshine and happiness. It wasn't. Anti-Semitism and Racism continued to be a blight on the American landscape, poverty and economic malaise were still a plague among us. - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017
RUSSELL GLOOR: Social Security Matters: Ask Rusty: Windfall Elimination Provision; Taxing Social Security Benefits; and Ex-Spouse Benefit - Does it affect mine? - Dear Rusty: During my first career, which lasted about 25 years, I worked for companies that withheld Social Security FICA taxes from my income. In my new second career my employer doesn't take Social Security from my wages, but I'll still be eligible for a company pension after 15 or so years of service. From my co-workers I've heard about something called "WEP" which could affect my Social Security benefits, but when they try to explain it I get totally confused. Can you clarify? Signed: Changed Careers
Dear Changed: If you work in your second career long enough to earn a pension, "WEP" will, indeed, affect your future Social Security benefit. WEP, the Windfall Elimination Provision, applies to those who are entitled to a "non-covered" pension from an employer who did not withhold FICA Social Security taxes from their earnings, and who is also entitled to Social Security benefits from other employment which did. Since the Social Security benefit calculation is weighted to replace more income for lower-earning workers, dual-benefit recipients were getting proportionately higher income replacement than truly low-income workers, causing Congress to enact WEP in 1983. - More....
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017

Political Cartoon: Shots Fired
By Rick McKee ©2017, The Augusta Chronicle
Distributed to subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
AMHS PROBLEMS PLAGUE SOUTHEAST ALASKA COMMUNITIES By Mary Lynne Dahl - My husband and I are frequent customers of the Alaska Marine Highway ferry system. We have been sailing on the Ketchikan – Prince Rupert run about 6 round trips per year for 16 years, mostly in winter. We have become very familiar with many of the boats and crew over these years. - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017
These are the Facts By Rep. Dan Ortiz - This letter is in direct response to a December 4th letter to Sitnews submitted by David Nees of the Alaska Policy Forum, out of Anchorage. Mr. Nees states that the numbers I used in my Dec. 1st letter to Sitnews are “inaccurate and misleading.” - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017
Speechless By A. M. Johnson - I am speechless!! Why so? You ask. I am speechless because of the act of congress to hide, fund and approve of sexual acts performed by elected representatives of Congress. To then hide that action behind a screen not openly viewed by the tax paying public. I am so speechless along with frustration over the extent of abuse towards woman being aided by elected women. Tragic that the intent is to protect abusers over the pain suffered by the victims' being paid off with OUR money. - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017
IN JERRY’S WORLD By David G Hanger - Ghert Abbott is spot-on with his commentary about Federal income tax policy, but he is also too polite. This is not tax reform. This is not even tax or economic policy. This is pure theft by some of the biggest pigs this world has ever produced. - More...
Thursday PM - December 07, 2017
RE: Alaska's Fiscal Situation By David Nees - In a December 1 opinion piece Rep Ortiz opines that he is unfairly being accused of wanting to implement an income tax and has not done enough to cut spending. He then lays out exactly the same argument as the Walker administration with the inaccurate misleading cuts of 44% and huge loss of state jobs. - More...
Monday PM - December 04, 2017
Tax the Rich By Ken Leland - Jerry Cegelsky is right, after spending your lifetime building an estate through hard work and sacrifice, sometimes failing in your endeavors, but always keeping on that path to financial stability and security in your declining years, with health issues for yourself and your Family to deal with along the way, it's not an easy path, but you deal with it. - More...
Monday PM - December 04, 2017
Alaska's Fiscal Situation By Rep. Dan Ortiz - A misleading internet video posted around Thanksgiving alleged that I “want” to implement a state-wide income tax and that the State of Alaska continues to have a bloated budget. Neither of those statements are accurate. - More...
Friday AM - December 01, 2017
Trump Condones China's Press Restrictions By Donald Moskowitz - President Trump refused to take reporters questions during his visit to China. He succumbed to Chinese insistence that no questions be allowed from the press. - More...
Friday AM - December 01, 2017
Easy to take money from those who have sacrificed, planned and worked By Jerry Cegelske - Ghert Abbott's letter to Sitnews on November 21st stated that the solution to the Alaska fiscal problem is to heavily tax the investment income from the “rich” people. A problem I have with his solution is the government is the entity which defines the term “rich” or economically advantaged. It is easy for government to lower the definition of rich so that the numerous middle class and lower taxpayers end up paying the bill. Government has an unlimited power to take from people and an unlimited ability to spend more than they should. - More...
Monday PM - November 27, 2017
The GOP’s Malevolent Tax Proposals By Ghert Abbott - It is impossible to fully convey the sheer, unbridled malevolence of the GOP tax plans currently being rushed through Congress. In order to pay for permanent corporate tax cuts which will predominately benefit the super-rich, working and middle class Americans will receive a permanent tax increase. At first this tax increase will be masked by temporary tax cuts, but once all the temporary cuts expire 50% of Americans will find themselves with a higher tax bill. These permanent tax increases will be particularly concentrated on households earning below $75,000 a year. The GOP’s tax plan will thus redistribute wealth upwards, increasing the tax burden of ordinary Americans while decreasing the taxes paid by the extremely wealthy. But the costs of paying for these corporate tax cuts won’t stop there. - More...
Monday PM - November 27, 2017
Open Letter: Thank You By Alannah Hurley Dear Southeast Alaska Indigenous Transboundary Commission, On behalf of the United Tribes of Bristol Bay (UTBB), I would like to thank you for standing in unity with the people of Bristol Bay. The letter from your tribe urging the EPA to finalize protections for our watershed and Yup’ik, Dena’ina, and Alutiiq way of life is a great help to our efforts. Like many in your region, our tribal members still live a traditional way of life in balance with our pristine lands and waters. The health of our watershed is directly connected to the health and well-being of our people and the continuation of our cultures, we thank you again for helping us work to protect this connection for future generations. - More...
Monday PM - November 27, 2017
“YOU WHO HATE” By David G Hanger - When next you choose to rant on a subject, Mr. Tim Livingston, I would suggest you at least understand what the subject is lest you again appear as stupid as you do in this instance. The term “plausible deniability” is technically a legal term for a method or action frequently used by extreme right-wing politicians in an effort to advance their agenda of lies, deceit, and ironclad control. In its more pedestrian utilization we have the denials and semi-denials of such as Menendez and Franken, but as refined political utility it is a right-wing phenomenon first developed by Goebbels, and more recently re- invigorated by the likes of Karl Rove. - More...
Monday PM - November 27, 2017
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