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December 05, 2018

Rainbird Trail: December Sunset
Front Page Feature Photo By BRADLEY WARGO ©2018
Historical Feature: Prince Rupert Cherry Blossom Gift Remembered with Plaque; Historic gift came to light when trees were accidentally cut down By DAVE KIFFER - It was a simple act of re-landscaping some government property in Prince Rupert earlier this year, but it brought to light the story of a pioneering Japanese family in the community and the tragic historical event that affected such families up and down the coast seven decades ago.
In March, Public Services and Procurement Canada contracted with a Terrace firm to make improvements to the Prince Rupert federal building at Fourth Street and Second Avenue West. On March 23, the contractor began to remove cherry blossom trees on the site, chopping down several of them. One of the employees in the building noticed the cutting going on and immediately ran out to stop the contractors.
That led to an investigation that uncovered a story not well known to many of the locals. The Northern View in Prince Rupert noted in a story in March that although many residents had admired the half century old cherry trees, very few knew the story behind them. It involved a long-time resident of the community who had been interned during World War II and never returned, but still wanted to do something for the community that had been good to him for more than 30 years.
Shotaro “Tom” Shimizu first came to Prince Rupert in 1907 to work on the Grand Trunk Pacific Railway line which was being constructed. (See “100 Years Ago, Grand Trunk Railroad Came to Northwest BC.” SITNEWS, April 1, 2014)
After a decade in the community, Shimizu opened a 30-room hotel and restaurant called New Dominion on Third Avenue in 1917. Shimizu’s 81-year-old son Henry remembers working in the restaurant.
“I was only 13 at the time and the only thing I ever did was fold napkins for the various tables with my cousin,” Henry Shimizu told The Northern View earlier this year. “We used to put them in a glass cup and we would put them on all the tables.”
The New Dominion remained open through the depression and during the early stages of World War II, as workers came to Prince Rupert to help build ships for the war effort, but after the Pearl Harbor attack, Canada followed the United States’ lead and removed its citizens of Japanese descent from the West Coast.
On February 26, 1942, the Shimizu family was notified it would be relocated and on March 23, 1942, the family left the community on the very railway that Tom Shimizu had helped build three decades earlier.
Henry Shimizu said that several of his classmates came to see him off at the train station.
“They thought I was going on a vacation or something, but I didn’t have any idea where I was going,” he told The Northern View.
The family joined 27,000 other Japanese-Americans at an internment camp near New Denver, an old mining community in Southeast British Columbia near the Alberta border. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018
Alaska: DHSS Contracts to Open More Emergency Mental Health Beds - The Alaska Department of Health and Social Services announced Saturday they have entered into a contract with North Star Hospital to make 14 beds available to the State of Alaska for voluntary and involuntary behavioral health patients as well as alcohol and chemical dependency patients. This measure will help alleviate pressure on Alaska’s behavioral health system and the shortage of beds available at the Alaska Psychiatric Institute (API).
“We thank our partners at North Star Hospital and staff at the DHSS Division of Behavioral Health for working together to get this contract in place,” said DHSS Commissioner Jay Butler. “Alaska is currently experiencing a mental health capacity crisis and a serious lack of beds to treat Alaskans in need of psychiatric care. This agreement will allow patients experiencing a mental health crisis to be treated sooner and in the most appropriate setting possible.”
Under the contract, North Star Hospital is now identified as a designated facility that can take involuntary mental health commitments. The department will be able to transfer some patients who are subject to a 30-day civil commitment order to North Star Hospital to receive care. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018

Vallenar Point & Vallenar Islands' Sunset
Front Page Feature Photo By CYNTHIA HOGGARD ©2018 |
Alaska: Governor Dunleavy Announces More Appointments to His Administration By MARY KAUFFMAN - During today's press conference held in Anchorage, Governor Mike Dunleavy announced his latest appointments, the members of his public safety team. When making the announcement, Gov. Dunleavy said, “The depth and breadth of experience found among these professionals reflects my commitment to building a team with diverse skill sets.”
Governor Dunleavy stated in a news release,, “Combining talented managers from the private sector with public servants with years of experience means Alaskans will see a more holistic approach to law enforcement and corrections. The team will be laser focused on restoring law and order in Alaska, which was one of the primary motivators for me running for governor. “
Kevin Clarkson, Attorney General: Clarkson is an attorney in private practice at Brena, Bell & Clarkson, P.C. Throughout his legal career, Clarkson has specialized in state and federal litigation at the administrative, pretrial, trial, and appellate levels regarding civil litigation, business and construction matters, contracts, and others. Clarkson was admitted to Super Lawyers in 2014-2017, a distinction held by no more than five percent of Alaska attorneys and he is “A” rated with Martindale -Hubbell. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science from Oregon State University, and a law degree from the Willamette University College of Law in Salem, Ore.
Deputy Attorney General, Civil Division, Treg Taylor: Taylor is currently senior corporate counsel for Arctic Slope Regional Corporation (ASRC), an Alaska Native Corporation. He specializes in negotiating, drafting and finalizing contracts, as well as creating confidentiality agreements. Prior to his work at ASRC, he worked as an attorney at McKinley Capital Management. Taylor is also a commissioner for Anchorage Municipal Light and Power. He holds a bachelor’s degree in political science and a law degree from Brigham Young University.
Amanda Price, Commissioner of the Department of Public Safety (DPS): Price is a well-known victims’ advocate and leader. She last served as Governor Bill Walker’s senior advisor on violent crime response and prevention, and as the executive director of Standing Together Against Rape, or STAR. She also led the American Heart Association and Muscular Dystrophy Association’s Alaska chapters. Price studied biological science at the University of Alaska Anchorage.
Deputy Commissioner Michael Duxbury: Duxbury is currently the captain of the Alaska Bureau of Investigation and State-wide Drug Enforcement Unit (SDEU). He supervises 55 commissioned investigators and civilians deployed across Alaska and supervised the daily enforcement of illicit drug trafficking networks. Duxbury has been with the Department of Public Safety (DPS) for 28 years. He holds a bachelor’s degree in criminal justice from Strayer University and is a graduate of the FBI’s National Academy.
Director of the Division of Alaska Wildlife Troopers Colonel Doug Massie: Massey has 21 years of combined experience as a police officer, Alaska State Trooper, field training officer, and first line supervisor in the department of Public Safety. He has been a leader in the Public Safety Employees Association for 13 years, negotiating four contracts for the Public Safety Officers Unit. He holds a law enforcement certificate from the University of Alaska Southeast.
Major Andy Greenstreet: Greenstreet is the acting director of the Division of the Alaska State Troopers. He has worked public safety assignments in Alaska for almost 25 years, including rural and urban posts. He is a graduate from the University of Alaska Anchorage’s Law Enforcement Training Program, and the FBI Academy in Virginia.
Nancy Dahlstrom, Commissioner of the Department of Corrections (DOC): Dahlstrom is a former state legislator with years of experience in building and managing effective teams. Currently, Dahlstrom is a consultant for WEKA, a security, personal safety, and secure transport provider. Dahlstrom was recently reelected to the legislature, a position she will resign in order to serve the Department of Corrections (DOC). Dahlstrom holds a bachelor’s degree in human resources from Wayland Baptist University, and a master’s degree in organizational management from the University of LaVerne.
Deputy Commissioner Leitoni Tupou: Tupou is currently the director of the Division of Institutions, where he supervises all adult correctional superintendents and program coordinators within the Department of Corrections. He has been employed for 18 years with the DOC, four in the commissioner’s office. Tupou holds a bachelor’s degree from Brigham Young University of Hawaii.
Deputy Commissioner Dan Carothers: Carothers has 28 years of experience in Alaska corrections, including a correctional superintendent, probation officer, and correctional officer. He also owns Alaska Polygraph, LLC, and is certified as a polygraph professional. He holds a bachelor’s degree in police science from George Mason University.
Doug Vincent-Lang as Acting Commissioner of the Department of Fish and Game: Monday, Governor Mike Dunleavy appointed Vincent-Lang. Quoting a news release, the Governor believes it is important that someone is in the position to manage the Department while the Joint Boards of Fish and Game go through their process of nominating potential Commissioners. "The Governor respects that process and looks forward to the recommendations from the Joint Meeting of the Board of Fish and the Board of Game." - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018

December Sunset: Ketchikan Dock
Front Page Feature Photo By STEVE SPEIGHTS ©2018 |
Ketchikan: Woman arrested in possession of suspected heroin - Monday, the Alaska State Troopers’ Statewide Drug Enforcement Unit in Ketchikan contacted 20 year old Labreea Shaelyn Brown of Washington State, following her arrival into Ketchikan on a flight from Seattle, Washington.
Investigation revealed and alleges that Brown was in possession of 26.1 gross grams of suspected heroin, which law officials allege she intended to deliver to a third party in Ketchikan to be sold in the Ketchikan area.
According to the Alaska Dispatch public release, the estimated street value of the heroin when sold in Ketchikan at the common street distribution quantity of $100 for 0.1 grams is $26,000. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018
Ketchikan: Ketchikan Law Officers Receiving Multiple Reports of Break-ins & Attempted Break-ins - The Alaska State Troopers and Ketchikan Police Department have received multiple reports of break-ins and attempted break-in to local residences, vehicles and garages.
The suspect(s) are targeting unlocked vehicles for garage door openers and removing screens to check for unsecured windows.
Quoting a news release, the officers of the Alaska State Troopers and Ketchikan Police Department are working diligently to solve these crimes reminds everyone to secure your valuables and property.
The most recent reports released to the public were last week:
Alaska State Troopers were notified of a Burglary last Thursday afternoon and their investigation revealed that unknown persons(s) entered an occupied residence in the Forest Park Drive area through an unlocked window sometime during the night. Miscellaneous cash, jewelry and paperwork were taken with an estimated value of $1500.00. A vehicle was also rummaged through. Anyone with information is asked to contact the Alaska State Troopers at (907) 225-5118. You can remain anonymous. - More...
PM - December 05, 2018 |
MONEY MATTERS: THE RISKS OF BONDS IN THE CURRENT MARKET By Mary Lynne Dahl, CFP® - Investors who are recently retired on retiring soon, often have 60% - 70% or more of their money in bonds rather than in stocks, real estate or a mix of all three. They do this because bonds pay interest and retirees need income on which to live in retirement.
A lot of these bonds have medium or long term maturity dates. That means that they will pay fixed interest at whatever rate they promise for between 8 and 30 years. Because the US has been in a long cycle of very low interest rates, the interest rate paid on these bonds has typically been only 2% to 3%.
This creates a problem for these investors. The first problem is that their bonds will not produce enough income on which to live comfortably. And, as the investor reaches age 70 ½, he or she will be required to withdraw at least 4% per year, more as the years go by, due to the IRS rule of minimum required distributions. A bond portfolio earning only 2% - 3% is not able to pay 4%, so this is a serious problem. They may have overlooked this fact when they bought their bonds, or they may have planned to sell their bonds and invest in newer, higher interest rate bonds when interest rates rose. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018
BLAIR BESS: National Climate Assessment a Political Hot Potato - Timing is everything. Take for example the Trump administration's decision to release the latest National Climate Assessment during last month's Thanksgiving holiday. No shocker. The president and his team consistently dump unwelcome information at times they believe no one is paying attention.
Publication of the climate assessment is mandated by Congress. It has been released every four years since the requirement to do so was signed into law by President George H.W. Bush in 1990. That's right, Bush 41, whose recent passing we as a nation are still mourning. Again, timing is everything. In this instance, it's the perfect time to pause and consider the significance of this piece of legislation.
The elder President Bush understood the disastrous consequences of climate change. According to Monica Medina, a former principal deputy undersecretary of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Bush 41 knew that global warming posed "a risk to our health, to our prosperity, and to our national security." - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018
MATT MACKOWIAK: The Truth about Medicare For All - Like a cheap sweater that can be pulled apart by tugging at a thread, Obamacare is in tatters. Soaring costs of premiums coupled with outrageous deductible hikes have made things worse, not better. All of this was predictable.
Despite being less than a decade old, the law has clearly failed. The cost of health care did not bend downward as promised. The cost of insurance did not fall, and families certainly didn't save the promised "$2,000 a year," as President Obama guaranteed. The law was built on a foundation of sand - the faulty belief that more government intervention could make things better for everyone. It hasn't.
Just ask those who signed up for Obamacare-created health care co-ops, of which nearly 85 percent have already collapsed. These non-profit enterprises promised to bring down health care costs by eliminating the profit motive from health care. If profit was eliminated, the theory went, then consumers would get a better deal. That idea flopped too.
Within a few years and backed by millions of dollars in federal grants and subsidies, 19 Obamacare co-ops closed. Today, only four remain, and some of those are also hanging by a thread. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018 |

Political Cartoon: Longest War
By Mike Keefe ©2018, San Miguel de Allende, Mexico
Distributed to paid subscribers for publication by Cagle Cartoons, Inc.
Medicaid work requirements: Where do they stand after the blue wave? By SIMON F. HAEDER - The 2018 midterm elections have dealt a significant setback to President Trump’s agenda in the legislative arena.
However, there are still many ways for the Trump administration to keep swinging away at the Affordable Care Act. One particularly effective unilateral instrument is the regulatory process – that is, the implementation of statutory law by executive agencies.
This may prove particularly consequential for Medicaid, the health coverage program for those with low incomes or disabilities. One particular area of attention for scholars like me is so-called community engagement or work requirements for Medicaid beneficiaries. These mandates generally require beneficiaries to conduct work-related activities or lose coverage.
While still in litigation, the Trump administration has indicated its strong commitment to moving forward with these efforts.
Helping individuals leave poverty is a worthwhile cause. As someone who studies health policy, I am concerned, based on research that others and I have conducted, that the focus of the Trump administration is misplaced. Indeed, their actions run counter to a broad scholarly consensus which universally emphasizes the benefits of health coverage. Most critically, they may disproportionately affect populations with vulnerabilities. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018
Socialism… A short essay By
Paul Livingston - Socialism is a governmental parasite that feeds off the wealth created by the production (income, savings and investment) of a country. Government with its politicians has both good and evil qualities, as government takes on the qualities of its creators, which are humans who also have good and evil qualities. Government is about law and order and maintaining an orderly environment for life, liberty and pursuit of happiness. Government is not about creating wealth, jobs and the distribution of wealth.
There are irrefutable laws that determine the allocation of goods and services as defined by the science of economics. Socialism brings politics into the science of economics that has laws above government power and control and will always win out in the allocation of goods and services. They are the law of supply and demand, law of diminishing returns and the law of unintended consequences. Socialism is about controlling the distribution of goods and services, taking from some and giving to others, about picking winners and losers. Socialism is a losing cause with many bad side effects.
The socialist government structure creates an elite power group to manage and control, to become rich and open to bribery and corruption. Some of the rich like socialism as their money enables them to buy into the elitist group to have influence and power. Socialism is a dead end road that consumes wealth and punishes production as it undermines the three individual liberties upon which economic progress depends: 1. The pursuit of self-interest 2. The division of labor 3. Freedom of trade. A basic requirement for socialism is a graduated income tax as it provides government with the taxing power to take. The 16th Amendment in our Constitution gives our government huge power to directly tax us and with it comes the present income/payroll tax system with over 74,000 pages of tax code. Today we are in financial slavery to our government as the 16th Amendment moved the shackles from government and placed the shackles on the people. - More...
Wednesday PM - December 05, 2018
1 in 4 government officials accused of sexual misconduct in the #MeToo era is still in office today By JAMILLAH WILLIAMS - At least 138 government officials, in both elected and appointed positions, have been publicly reported for sexual harassment, assault, misconduct or violence against women since the 2016 election, according to an analysis my colleagues and I conducted. - More...
Monday PM - December 03, 2018
US-China trade war truce: 2 reasons why it's unlikely to last By JEFFREY KUCIK - Presidents Donald Trump and Xi Jinping have agreed to a ceasefire in their increasingly painful trade war, yet their governments’ differing depictions of the deal show just how far apart they really are. - More...
Monday PM - December 03, 2018
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