![]() Progressives' Ridiculous Gun Control ArgumentBy Susan Stamper Brown
January 23, 2013
Toward this end, they will tell you anything to get what they want. For example, they say they are multiculturalists, right up until election season when cultures become pawns to move around the political battlefield. All non-compliant free-thinkers are dealt with accordingly.
Liberals Against Guns
So now they say we urgently need gun control. And, they are exploiting children the same way they exploit minorities and women to get it. The Sandy Hook Elementary School massacre is a means to an end. On MSNBC recently, guest Patricia Maisch said, "It's a shame we had to get to the 20 little martyrs" at Sandy Hook to take action regarding gun control. Little martyrs? Martyrs for what? The religion of gun control? The time has come for Progressives to come clean about gun control. Drop the word "gun" and we'll be a little closer to having an honest conversation. But since they won't, please let me help. I recently visited one of my favorite Progressive websites, where I ran across an article claiming gun control measures would do little to change anything because Americans at large are too evil and violent. It's hard to reconcile all the America-loathing out there, but there is a simple solution: Renounce your citizenship and purchase a one-way plane ticket. The article failed to present an honest assessment of facts and figures, most likely to incite an emotional, rather than rational response, hence inspiring me to go fact digging, which led me to the FBI's Expanded Homicide Data Table number 8.
Anti-Gun Zealots
The same FBI report disclosed that knives and cutting instrument deaths (1704) quadrupled rifle deaths and 540 people died from blunt objects, similar to the Golden Globe award Anne Hathaway just received and labeled as a "lovely blunt object that I will forevermore use as a weapon against self-doubt." Knock yourself out, Anne. Anyway, I digress. If one applied the same twisted logic as Vice President Biden who recently said, "If only one life is saved, it's worth it," then I suppose we need to ban big shiny club-like award objects. Or maybe we need to ban the use of appendages, since almost twice the amount of people who died from shotgun wounds were killed by hands, fists or feet. While we're at it, we need to do something about falling because, according to the CDC, 24,792 people died as a result, in 2009. Progressives' logic on this issue is ridiculous and it is ridiculous for Conservatives to participate because in the end, Progressives may not get everything they want, but will get more than they should. In reality, according to the aforementioned FBI report, firearm murders dropped significantly from 2006 to 2010; while, according to Bloomberg Business , gun sales have exploded since 2009, meaning the real answer to less gun deaths is more guns.
Susan Stamper Brown is an opinion page columnist, motivational speaker and military advocate who writes about politics, the military, the economy and culture. Email Susan at writestamper@gmail.com
©2013 Susan Stamper Brown. This column has been edited by the author. Representations of fact and opinions are solely those of the author.
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