![]() Brexit: Globalism is at the GateBy SUSAN STAMPER BROWN
June 29, 2016
It's hard for elitists to comprehend that the commoners they seek to control aren't obsessed with money and power the same way they are. Ordinary people care more about freedom, their kids' future and their country than they care about the mighty Euro or dollar. Not even President Obama's effervescence was able to sway Britons when he visited the U.K. in an effort to prevent his beloved globalism from crumbling the same way communism fell years back.
The left's worn-out tactic of name-calling, labeling people as bigots, homophobes, xenophobes or racists isn't working. The more they hurl accusations, the bigger the movement grows. Globalists fail to understand human psyche. They don't get that humans are hardwired with an innate desire for freedom, and the longer it is repressed the stronger the desire grows. In a nutshell, globalism is a skewed worldview based on fear of death and lack of faith in God's provision. A little historical background: Globalism first showed up on the planet with the Tower of Babel. After the flood, God instructed man to disperse and "fill the Earth," but a nimrod named Nimrod thought he had a better idea, and gathered together a group of likeminded faithless rebels who believed dispersing was a bad idea. So they built a city and a tall tower with the intention to live in a world of perpetual sameness under the control of a universal ruler, Nimrod the nimrod. To them, oneness, globalism, meant survival. But Genesis 11 tells the rest of the story and what God thought about this primitive version of globalism. Because of their disobedience and self-sufficiency, "... the Lord scattered them from there all over the earth...That is why it was called Babel ---- because there the Lord confused the language of the whole world..." If individual nations with unique languages, customs and cultures are good enough for God, it should be good enough for us. That's why the globalist utopian dream of peaceful coexistence and economic share-everything-ness is just a dream and will never become a reality. Nonetheless, diehards will do everything in their power to make it work. They've sewn our mouths shut with political correctness and shackled our hands with abusive, controlling regulations. They are so committed to their globalism purpose, they feel the need to cover for it every time something like Fort Hood, San Bernardino or the Orlando massacre happens. Globalism's a real and present problem, but if you've read The Book, you understand there really is no permanent fix. The best we can do is do our best to delay the arrival of the inevitable like Great Britain's Brexit referendum just did. But in the meantime, one thing's for certain: Another train is set to arrive and we are promised that one will be right on time. May we not be so preoccupied with Babel-like self-reliance that we fail to prepare for the trip that really matters.
Susan Stamper Brown Susan's is a recovering political pundit from Alaska, who does her best to make sense of current day events using her faith. Her columns are syndicated by CagleCartoons.com. E-mail Susan at: writestamper@gmail.com. ©2016 Susan Stamper Brown. Susan’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate.
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