![]() Michelle Obama's 'Hopelessnes' Shows it Sucks to be a LiberalBy SUSAN STAMPER BROWN
December 22, 2016
It's a shame that Michelle Obama says she's feeling hopeless this Christmas, especially after all the wonderful opportunities she's had as America's first lady. It goes to show you that liberalism is like a disease that won't be satisfied until it devours all of you. Undoubtedly, all the designer gown-wearing, Hollywood hobnobbing, $100-per-serving wagyu steak indulging and taxpayer-funded globetrotting won't fix the hopelessness which ails her. It's hard to be hope-filled when you tangle yourself in a web of bitterness and resentment over America's past. Just last year, Mrs. Obama shared how she really feels during a racially-divisive commencement speech at Tuskegee University that would have made its founder, Booker T. Washington, grieve. In fact, in his book, "My Larger Education," Washington warned readers about people like her, calling them "problem profiteers." Washington wrote: "There is another class of colored people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs ---- partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs." Michelle's "problem profiteering" came across loud and clear with her admission of hopelessness during the recent Oprah Winfrey interview. She came across like a spoiled brat when she said, "We are feeling what not having hope feels like" -- although her husband, Mr. Hope-and-Change himself, had eight years to propagate hope had he not been so preoccupied with change. Mrs. Obama is leaving the White House with the same negative attitude about America she's had most of her adult life. Apparently, it changed temporarily, when her husband became the 2008 Democrat Party nominee."For the first time in my adult life," she said, "I am really proud of my country, because it feels like hope is finally making a comeback." But, now that President Obama's on his way out the door, hope is too. It's as if she sincerely believes that hope rises and falls based on her husband. It is enormously arrogant to suggest that any human being has that much power, let alone someone whose policies: wrecked healthcare and made it unaffordable, hurt manufacturing and downgraded the job market, lowered household incomes and added millions to food stamp rolls, weakened the military and made us less safe, played class politics and eviscerated racial unity ---- to name a few. With "hope" like that, no wonder Americans voted for change. Obviously, Michelle won't be happy until everyone feels as hopeless as she does about America. But, that's not going to happen. In fact, the Electoral College just met and did its job to seal the deal for Trump, who won more counties that any candidate since Ronald Reagan. The U.S. Constitution worked, despite the obnoxious temper tantrums, death threats and harassment hurled at the electors by crazy, crybaby leftists who refuse to accept the fact that if Americans had wanted to give Obama a third term, Hillary Clinton would've handily won. Instead, voters sent the leftist, totalitarian agenda packing. And stocks rose and poll after poll reflect that Americans have a growing and glowing optimism about the direction America is headed. If that is Michelle Obama's definition of hopelessness, then it sucks to be a liberal.
Susan Stamper Brown Susan's is a recovering political pundit from Alaska, who does her best to make sense of current day events using her faith. Her columns are syndicated by CagleCartoons.com. E-mail Susan at: writestamper@gmail.com. ©2016 Susan Stamper Brown. Susan’s column is distributed exclusively by: Cagle Cartoons, Inc., newspaper syndicate.
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