Ask Taylor: Are There Non-Financial Retirement Pitfalls?
By Taylor J Kovar, CFP®
September 28, 2022
(SitNews) - Hey Taylor - My wife and I are retiring early next year, and though we feel like our finances are adequately prepared, I’m not sure we are mentally. I know you have worked with many retirees, so I’d love to get your thoughts on some other things we should consider before taking this big step.
Hey Richard – Congratulations on your quickly approaching retirement! First off, let me put your mind at ease; there is no blueprint that you have to follow to have the perfect retirement. Everyone’s retirement looks different, and the important thing is to enjoy the things you have worked so hard for! With that in mind, here are a few things to consider that you may not have seen elsewhere:
- Have you shared your retirement dreams with each other? So often we have this picture of what we want this phase of life to look like, but when you are married, you have someone else to think about. Maybe that means you are doing her hobbies this week and yours the next. Perhaps that is traveling to the beach like she wants to do this year, and you travel to the mountains next year. Maybe you both dream of starting a business? Either way, you won’t know how to thrive in retirement together without communicating.
- How do you two think about money? Does your spouse hate to spend money, or does it burn a hole in their pocket? Everyone has a money personality, which affects not only every decision you make that has a dollar sign but also how you view your spouse’s money decisions. If you aren’t sure what each of your money personalities are, take our free assessment at www.The5MoneyPersonalities.com and find more resources on how to dominate your finances during this pivotal phase in life!
- How much time do you want to spend with your kids and their families? One of the final mistakes people make in retirement planning is assuming you know exactly how your spouse sees your role as grandparents. Do you want to live next door and be available 24/7 (thus giving yourself a part-time job) or just watch the grandbabies during date night? There is no correct answer here, but it is essential that you have open discussions with everyone involved, including your child and their spouse, to see how they believe that relationship should be.
As you can see, there is much more to consider with retirement than the balance in your 401k. You can avoid some of the turmoil of this new stage of life by discussing these items before taking that step. Enjoy your hard-earned retirement, and I’ll be here if you need me!
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