So let me share some of Ireland’s most enjoyable blessings, proverbs and quotes, as gathered by IrishCentral. This blessing is a good place to start: May you have warm words on a cold evening, I wish everyone could enjoy warm words on a cold night and an easy, well-lighted walk home, but too many of our fellow human beings are facing incredible burdens and challenges. The besieged people of Ukraine have experienced far too much war in their long history, and we are all praying that the horrific bloodshed taking place right now ends immediately — but Putin’s actions are making it harder to embrace this Irish thought: May you have length with your days, But we must not lose hope. We must keep our spirits up and never stop striving to improve the world — a world that, despite our current setbacks, is improving the lives of millions more with each passing year. This Irish poem provides wonderful guidance on how best to proceed with one’s life: Here’s to a fellow who smiles, Those of us lucky to be living in America enjoy more blessings than millions of others around the world — though we still have our challenges and improvements to make. As we focus on improvements, however, let’s not lose focus on the many things we’ve got right. This Irish insight should give us pause: I complained that I had no shoes Of all the many blessings in my life, one of the greatest has been the close group friends who have kept me laughing out loud since we formed our bonds in high school — which is why this Irish poem is right on the money: There are good ships and there are wood ships, All of us know that we do not need great wealth or fame to find happiness. Learning to appreciate our simple blessings is the true key to happiness — a concept captured well in this Irish poem: May there always be work for your hands to do, Though we try to be gracious to our fellow man — and try to live up to the ideals of these Irish poems and blessings — I must admit this guilty-pleasure poem is one of my favorites! May those who love us love us. Happy St. Patrick’s Day!