The Only Move to Make if Trump WinsBy TOM PURCELLMarch 30, 2016
Google searches for "How can I move to Canada" spiked in the beginning of March after Trump had a series of primary wins. A tiny island in County Mayo, Ireland, with 58 inhabitants is letting Americans know they are welcome there if "the unimaginable" happens. CBS News reports that a radio host on Cape Breton Island, a small island in Nova Scotia, is encouraging disaffected Americans to move to the declining region. Apparently, they'll take any warm body they can get. Several news articles offer recommendations on the top countries to move to, and provide links to the necessary forms, if Trump makes it into the White House.
Trump and the Media
That's a good one. I haven't met many progressive American males who could protect themselves. According to The Independent, some progressive celebrities are threatening to leave, too. Whoopi Goldberg said of a Trump victory, "I don't think that's America. I don't want that to be America. Maybe it's time for me to move, you know." And, Cher, a great actress and singer, said she'd move to Jupiter, and I believe her. I think she's been going there to get some of her nutty outfits. The always classy Miley Cyrus shared her thoughts in "a tearful Instagram post." I replaced her cuss words with the word BLANK: "God, he thinks he is the BLANKING chosen one or some BLANK. Honestly BLANK this BLANK. I am moving if this is my president!" But I don't know what people are so worried about. Hey, Donald Trump was never my choice to be the Republican nominee. I don't know how, in a country as big as ours — with so many capable people — that the ones running, in both parties, have been such an incredible let down. But let's say Trump keeps defying the odds and becomes president. Are you really so fragile a human being that this would cause you to give up on your country — a country that was designed, unlike most every country in the history of mankind, to be run by the people and not by the elected leaders?
Democratic media coverage
Of course, that would require educating yourself about the issues and the candidates. It might involve writing letters to the editor, helping local candidates canvas neighborhoods or sending out mailers, or even participating in civil conversations with friends and neighbors to articulate your political point of view and try to understand theirs. It certainly requires you to vote. In my opinion, doing such things in our country is much more than just a privilege; it is a civic duty. It is also something that requires thinking and effort — something that whining does not. In any event, after eight years of President Obama — eight years of runaway regulations and a significant increase in my health care costs — the last thing I want is President Hillary Clinton to carry on Obama's policies. If she wins, I won't move to Ireland, but I will spend two solid days soaking in the Irish culture — one shot of Irish whiskey after another.
©2016 Tom Purcell Tom Purcell, author of "Misadventures of a 1970's Childhood" and "Comical Sense: A Lone Humorist Takes on a World Gone Nutty!" is a Pittsburgh Tribune-Review humor columnist and is nationally syndicated exclusively by Cagle Cartoons Inc. E-mail Tom at Tom@TomPurcell.com Publish A Letter in SitNews Read Letters/Opinions