![]() The Real State of the UnionBy WILL DURST
January 21, 2016
According to the outgoing 44th POTUS, the State of the Union is pretty much what we thought he'd think it. Good, but could be better. Moving forward with some ways to go. Could use a little paint around the edges, but otherwise in halfway decent shape. Couple of dents, but damn it, we're the country that invented Bondo. We remain full of promise and hope, but need a concerted effort to overcome badness. We're a country where evil IS NOT WELCOME, thank you very much. Sure, we have plenty of righteous people, but unless we maintain a constant vigil, nefarious elements will overtake our agenda of goodness. And then old people will die. Which is wrong.
2016 State of the Union
Our union's state would rise significantly if we could convince TV weather forecasters to just tell us what tomorrow's temperature will be and stop teasing us with upcoming storm factor numbers and wind chill warnings at every break. Politicians vowing to make English America's official language should first sign a pledge to sell themselves exclusively to domestic lobbyists. Can we stop the obsession with unicorns already, at least until these Silicon Valley companies show at least one quarter of profit? Not every crayon refrigerator drawing is a Picasso, and neither is every stupid app the next Instagram. It would really be helpful if this country's bloated billionaires would stop blaming all our problems on the poor. Ditto with sons of immigrants complaining about immigration. From now on, in restaurants, any diner is allowed to chastise misbehaving children. Here's a tip - before trying to crowd onto an elevator, let people get off the elevator. Never serve flavored coffee to a real coffee drinker, unless you want your shirt to smell like Hazlenut. The quality of life in the US and around the world will be strengthened immeasurably once Selfie Sticks are outlawed. Turn signals are the "please," "thank you," and "you're welcome" of the road. How bout a 2-month embargo on "Frozen?" America needs to rebuild our jobs base before we end up with an economy based on people delivering virtual pizzas to one another. We may be a little depressed right now, but hey, it's January and nothing we can't bounce back from now that "Downton Abbey" has returned and "The X-Files" is only a couple weeks away. And finally, the real state of the union will be fine if people would just leave it alone. As our mothers used to say, "Don't pick at it."
Copyright 2015, Will Durst, distributed by the Cagle Cartoons Inc. syndicate. Will Durst is an award-winning, nationally acclaimed columnist, comedian and margarine smuggler. For sample videos and a calendar of personal appearances including the 23rd annual Big Fat Year End Kiss Off Comedy Show, December 26- January 3, go to willdurst.com. The New York Times says Emmy- nominated comedian and writer Will Durst "is quite possibly the best political satirist working in the country today." E-mail your news &
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